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Why violet leaves rot and how to solve the problem

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Gentle shy fialki- this child of the tropics. It is believed that these flowers are full of magic, can heal and give inspiration. The house in which he lives fialka- filled with sunlight, even in the cloudy day.

If you properly care for the flower, the violet virtually invulnerable. But the slightest neglect of the rules leads to sad consequences. On the leaves begin to show signs of rot, they get wet and fall off.

If time does not deal with the reasons, and begin the process of rehabilitation, there is a risk of losing the plant.

Reasons that have violets begin to rot the leaves may be several:

· Soil moisture

Excessively dry or excessively moist soil may be detrimental to plants. Lack of moisture causes the leaves begin to wither and lose their juiciness.

The same pattern is observed in the case if too much moisture. Roots need air, and moist soil simply "choking". They cease to properly synthesize nutrients. The heart almost stops violets, if figuratively speaking.

Therefore, the need to irrigate flower depending on the temperature and illumination level. To avoid this problem, violets need good drainage and moderate watering.

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Grow flower should be in containers with drainage holes and constantly check the soil to the touch.

· Low temperatures

Low temperatures often causes wilting of leaves. Violets thermophilic and grow best at temperatures of 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.

If the temperature is lower, the growth stops and the leaves start to rot. In this case, you need to immediately move the plant to a warm location, remove all the dark, soft leaves, and in severe cases even superfluous to put the plant in a plastic bag for a few days.

· Root rot

Fading violet may suffer from root rot fitoftornoy. Patients listya- first symptom of the disease. Such leaves are difficult to remove, because the source of infection deep within.

Removal of contaminated sites and transplant in a sterile clean soil can save moderately affected plants.

· Transplant violets

Divided flower may temporarily fade. There is nothing wrong in that case, if the transplant had complied with all the rules. Knife be sterilized before and after cutting the plants.

Transplanted violets need to cover and create conditions for "mini-greenhouse" for her. Thus it is necessary to maintain high humidity.

Once the plant is stronger, the leaves acquire their original bright color and elasticity.

-By what the reason was not glavnoy- the first thing to do if it is seen rotten listya- remove them. Violet held treatment should be put in a warm, sunny place and enjoy a healthy plant.

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