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Features Camelia care at home

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From the large number of pot plants camellia can be distinguished for its beautiful, graceful flowers and excellent decorative appearance. Also camellia is also called Japanese rose.

But also very important is the fact that despite its spectacular view in any interior, camellia quite capricious and does not require a major effort to clean.

Camellia is a family tea and remains evergreen shrubs that have colorful and delicate flowers. The main feature characteristic of camellia, is the presence of a glossy coating of dense foliage.

Care camellia at home

Fulfilling the basic requirements that are recommended for the care of camellia in the conditions of the apartment, you can save her from a variety of diseases, thus providing the conditions for full development. A start caring for plants worth to prepare a place for cultivation.

Location and coverage

Camellia light-requiring, therefore, place it standing on the window sill, where there is often scattered and bright light. But in the summer it is necessary to transfer the bush for a while in a shaded place, so that it is not affected by direct sunlight.

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For a uniformly shaped crowns in a regular house turns the plant must be carried out on its axis. But to carry out such a procedure should in periods of complete rest.

For example, if you do it during the formation of buds, the camellia can not begin to bloom, got rid of buds available.


Regular watering is necessary to make the camellia, evenly distributing moisture over the ground. Excess moisture can badly affect the plant, so it is best to remove excess fluid from the pallet.

Watering is better to use to defend the water.


Another important point in the care of a favorable temperature conditions. Since Japanese rose is not considered to be thermophilic shrubs. Therefore, with the advent of different seasons, it is necessary to maintain a certain temperature:

• in summer - + 20-25 degrees;
• a spring (bud formation step) - + 14-17 degrees;
• in winter - + 8-10 degrees.

With the onset of autumn Japanese Rose often "goes to sleep". During this period, should confine watering plants.


Camellia feed costs only with the onset of the active phase of development. mineral and organic fertilizers are suitable for fertilizing. Before the stage of the formation of buds should stop fertilizing.
Giving, growing at home, Japanese Rose minimum proper care you can enjoy its beautiful flowers.

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