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Subtleties of care dollar tree. helpful hints

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Scientifically "Dollar Tree" called Zamioculcas. The plant is native to the tropics, because quite hardy and undemanding. Good landscaping apartments, with easy maintenance. Tempting, is not it? Nuances, of course, it is, and tell about them below.

Selecting a location

Not everyone knows that the dollar tree can blossom. This is largely dependent on the correct lighting. Far shaded corner - not a place for Zamioculcas. He does not like direct sunlight streams, but good access of light is required.

Small bush can put on the windowsill under diffuse radiation. Great copy "settle" on the floor or a table, near the southern window.

The frequency of watering

Count on a regular flow of water is not necessary in the tropics. Here Zamioculcas and used to "own" terms. His watered infrequently (summer somewhere once every 7 days), but abundant.

Use spaced water at room temperature. Dusty leaves once a week, wipe with a damp cloth.

Remember: Drought better than stagnant water in a pot! The plant fully support your week vacation without watering.
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Young plants are transplanted within a few days after the purchase, and then - every year. Change the pot grown tree Dollar falls infrequently due to slow growth. The roots have filled the earth and began to stick out from the tank? That's when and begin the transplant.

Use rubber gloves, plant juice can cause itching and burning sensation on the skin. Stages simple:

  • at the bottom of the pot place drainage;
  • ground for good ventilation mix with small clay pellets;
  • remove the plant, together with the old clod of earth and gently set the new flowerpot (transfer method);
  • not bury deep bush, top, leave the tubers at 1 cm above the ground.

Proper soil

Under natural conditions, Zamioculcas grows in sandy, rocky ground. For room congener soil should be light and breathable. Use the purchase ready-made land for planting cactus.

In this case, add the sand, pebbles (often replaced by expanded clay), you can even mix all the ingredients.

Incidentally, in the spring and summer time in 14 days fertilize Dollar tree fertilizing succulents, cacti.

Regularly inspect the flower and note any changes. Thus, the stems rot may indicate improper watering.

The spots on the leaves associated with fungal infection, the appearance of pests - such situations require urgent handling special preparations. Otherwise, Dollar Tree quickly perish.

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