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What to do when the leaves turn yellow in the violet

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Pot unpretentious violet will be found on any windowsill. Even during the rest gardeners favorite looks attractive due to bright green or variegated leaves rounded. What if it is responsive to the care of a plant leaves change color in some cases, need to take action?

Healthy violet leaves are arranged horizontally and form an outlet.

To any change in the appearance of the leaves should pay attention to keep the plant healthy and to take timely measures to combat diseases.

If the plant leaves begin to change color, the first thing to remember is, if violated basic flower needs.

Violet is necessary:

● even temperature;

● sufficient watering;

● regular podkarmlivaniya;

● high humidity;

● good lighting

● lack of contact with the window glass;

After analyzing the care you need to carefully examine the modified leaves and without delay take measures to combat the danger.

1. Light-yellow spots on the leaves, yellowing of the sheet or holes over point to sunlight. In the event of such damage pritenit need to plant, to water it and give time to recover. Sunscreen film on the window can be a good solution to the problem.

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2. Brown spots on the leaves and yellowing can occur by irrigating with cold water. Petioles in such cases are soft and brownish at the base.

3. Pale green leaves on elongated stalks are the result of inadequate temperature. The value of the thermometer does not show below 16 degrees Centigrade at night.

4. If the yellowing leaves are arranged along the edges of the socket of the adult plants, their gradual withering away due to natural causes. Yellowing and drying soil leaves must be carefully removed.

5. Yellowing leaves on the edge of the young rosettes can occur due to lack of nutrients. All stocks of the plant tends to give to the flowering and the development of young leaves, get rid of the old.

6. In the case of overflow to the roots stops the access of oxygen, they rot, growth is suppressed, the leaves fade and wither.

7. Pale yellow spots on the leaves are sometimes a symptom of occurrence of thrips - small pests to 1.5 mm in length. From them you can get rid of the sprayed plants special insecticide.

Novice growers often make the same mistake. Wanting to get the plant to bloom as soon as possible, a violet sprinkled with phosphoric fertilizers and illuminate fitolamp.

Lack of nitrogen and potassium affect the growth of green mass of the leaves grow pale and incapable of sufficient photosynthesis.

This error ultimately inhibits and kills the plant.

For the harmonious development of violets is desirable to select a primer for Saintpaulia and special complex fertilizers. To maintain moisture near the pot can be supplied with the water tank, the plant is not sprayed with itself.

Keeping the temperature and light conditions, you can enjoy the bright leaves and abundant flowers ten months of the year.

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