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Orchid wither? Causes and what to do in this case,

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Orchid is a very capricious plant, which needs regular watering. But sometimes, even with proper care, it can begin to wither. In such a situation, do not panic because there are ways to spice up your favorite plant.


Orchid - a tropical flower, which needs high humidity. Often to wilting of the plant results in too dry air, especially in winter, when heating is included in the house. In order to avoid this, it is recommended to put on the battery wet rags, and periodically to ventilate the room.

Leaves die due to frequent watering and use of dense soil, which is not breathable. Experts advise to carry out watering the flower as the complete drying of the soil and its roots, and use soil, which includes moss and pine bark.

Orchids are very fond of bright light without direct sun rays, so you can not leave them in a dark place. In addition, they are not resistant to low temperatures and quickly fade from hypothermia. It is best not to open the window when the outside temperature is less than plus fifteen degrees.

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In addition one of the most frequent causes of death of the plant is the invasion of harmful insects.

In the event of contamination, it is necessary to treat the orchid disinfectants, such as manganese or soap and carefully rub the leaves, gently removing insects.

What to do?

In order to prevent further wilting plant and bring it into the order, perform the following steps;

· Check if the flower lasts well into the ground. To do this, gently shake the trunk;

· Remove the pot of orchid away from a warm place and let it rest for at least 1-2 hours;

· Then place the plant in a small container with clean water at a temperature of 30-40 degrees;

· During the recovery, do not use fertilizers, because they cause more damage;

· Through an atomizer arrange flower abundant showers, moisten it with warm water on all sides;

· Wait until the water has drained, then using a natural fabric dry all the leaves individually. It is recommended to take a cotton cloth, as it quickly absorbs the liquid;

· Place the orchid in a well-lit place, avoiding direct sunlight. The temperature should not exceed twenty-five degrees.

After completing these steps, wait two or three days, until the leaves to fully recover.

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