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Why do leaves turn yellow hydrangeas and how to cure them

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Plants allow to decorate gardens, office and residential premises. The main thing - to provide them with timely care and take into account the particular colors. Hortense is a beautiful plant that loves moisture and light. Grow it can be in the street and in the home. Flower unpretentious, in rare cases, the sick, such as hydrangea leaves may turn yellow. This affects a number of factors.

The main causes of yellowing foliage

It is not always the problem lies in the depth. Often drying and yellowing leaf hydrangea is due to the oversupply of, or lack of something.

The most common reasons are:

1. Water-loving plant, but will lose their presentable because of an overabundance of moisture. Foliage begins to acquire a yellow tinge, dry and fall away.

2. The lack of sunlight and heat. It is impossible to plant hydrangeas in a draft or in a dark room. Yellowness appeared on the leaves is the first signal that the plant must be transplanted or rearranged.

3. The lack of minerals and fertilizers. Bush constantly requires a sufficient amount of nutrients needed for the root system of the flower. At their deficiency suffers leaf structure, which leads to yellowing.

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4. Abundant flowering. When the dotted inflorescences plant gives all the power in their appearance, leaves at the same time suffer. Proper flow of nitrogen allows to normalize and strengthen the flowering growth of green leaf.

5. Disease. Hydrangea exposed to such diseases:

· Askohitoznaya spot, then leaves die off completely;

· Ringspot - a viral disease, there is a color change and leaf deformation (even for new leaves immediately detected light stripes);

· Mildew - except yellowness, there are gray stains and plaque;

· Chlorosis occurs because of watering plants with lime tap water.

Methods of treatment

Professional advice:

1. In a timely manner to feed the soil. Fertilizing agents are administered simultaneously with watering. It is desirable to use soft water and pre-settled.

2. Viral diseases pour fungicides.

3. Observe water mode.

4. Fertilizers feed the soil with iron and restore the soil acidity. To prepare the solution using oxalic acid, citric acid or vinegar.

So, hydrangea, like all plants, require proper care. If you start with the problem of leaves, it is important to determine the cause and provide assistance quickly.

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