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Why does not bloom Decembrists. Main reasons

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In the warm season pleases the eye with its bright blooms huge number of plants, but the winters are not too many flowers that adorn the windowsills. One of these is the winter of representatives of the Decembrists.

It differs from other flowering plants is just blooming throughout the winter if properly cared for. Dekabrist quite unpretentious, but still need to follow the simple rules to ensure that during the cold weather to watch it bloom.

Inflorescence usually red or pink color, but it is now managed by mating display and a variety of other colors Decembrists - white, peach, purple and others.

Sometimes you may encounter the problem of lack of flowering Decembrist whole winter. Major errors in the care of the Decembrists, do not allow the plant to bloom:

- incorrect temperature

- an incorrect watering

- improper lighting

- the lack of food

- incorrectly selected pot

- move

- improper care of inflorescences

The air temperature in the room where it is planned decembrist dwelling must be at least 14-16 degrees and preferably not greater than 20-22. In this regard, the best place - a window sill of the room, but not glazed balcony.

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The surrounding environment should be rather cool and fresh, but avoid drafts around the flower, otherwise you can damage the root system and the plant itself outside.

Dekabrist not lover moisture and respectively watering should be abundant. Every 4-5 days should be enough, but it is better to observe the condition of the soil. If it is obvious that the top soil dry, the only necessary to humidify it. Yet in the summer it is possible to increase the frequency of watering.

It is believed that the winter handsome lover penumbra. But! It is important to note that the lack of light can cause a reset of flowers during blooming. Direct sunlight is definitely hurt. So the flower must live in the lit area, but at the same time avoiding glare.

Fertilizer for the flower - an important factor. Given that the Decembrists blooms in winter, it is just necessary to obtain fertilizer in the form of fertilizer. Otherwise, he will passively live on a window sill without bloom all winter.

The root system of the Decembrists small and does not require much space. In this regard, this flower pot must be chosen not spacious, so that all activity is not left on root development. It is better to choose a narrow pot, that all forces were directed to the outer part of the flower - leaves and blossoms.

This lush "forest cactus' negative attitude towards any kind of movement. It is better not to carry a pot from place to place very often. Especially if began to tie the inflorescence, it is necessary to ensure absolute peace flower.

After a complete reset of flowers and the end of their flowering cycle pruning must be done. This is usually done in May and June.

It is best for the Decembrists not use a knife or scissors, and manually by twisting remove unnecessary shoots, thus making the shape of a flower.

Absolutely no difficulties for the Decembrists, care! Provide a minimum set of conditions, a lush and colorful shrub throughout the winter will decorate the window and give a positive view of its charming!

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