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What to do with fallen autumn leaves on a country site.

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Often to the fallen leaves on a country site treated as to excess debris.

Therefore, just foliage burned or export outside the portion.

However, some I do not even know, what fallen leaves are valuable natural material, Which can to serve for the benefit of the garden.

What to do with fallen leaves on the dacha, discussed below.

Start with the fact that Not all the fallen leaves can be used Location on.

If a garden trees and shrubs were hit in the current season diseases, Then this better to burn leaves. This is to prevent the spread of infection throughout the garden.

And here fallen leaves from healthy trees and shrubs it is possible to find practical and useful application.

"Weteplitel "of fallen leaves.

"Blanket" from the leaves to the young seedling raspberries.
"Blanket" from the leaves to the young seedling raspberries.

Fallen leaves retain heat well, so they can be used as a covering material for perennials and winter crops.

Such a "heater" protects the root system of plants, and they endured cold.

Mulch of fallen leaves.

Mulch of fallen leaves in the garden.
Mulch of fallen leaves in the garden.
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Fallen leaves can be used as mulch. To do this, the leaves spread out evenly in the beds.

This simple action will help protect the good soil from leaching of minerals and prevents the formation of crust on the surface.

And with the advent of spring, when the ground along with rotted leaves dig, the structure of the soil becomes more friable.

Leaf humus.

Collect leaves in plastic bags.
Collect leaves in plastic bags.

Of fallen leaves make excellent mulch sheet, which can be used in the spring, for example, for the cultivation of seedlings.

For its preparation must be in strong plastic sacks dense bed foliage and green mass, add water, tie and periodically shaken.

And, of course, fallen leaves in powdered form can be added to the compost heap, as one of the components.

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