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There are cheap effective cough remedies. For some reason, many people have forgotten

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In winter, it is often difficult to find the cheapest remedies for colds, especially cough. So I buy in advance and remind all family members about it. In our days, when the salary is not high, to spend a significant portion of the family budget on the disease - a crime. Yes, and I ask all, do not feed you foreign manufacturers.

In a year, probably about 7 years ago, of the pharmacies in our city disappeared mukaltin. Runs around 30 pharmacies in the area and the city center and even had to ring them, so in vain not to go to the other end of the city, losing a couple of hours, or even more. And in the transport accompanied by coughing fits. It was the first time when I was very ill and experienced difficulties with money.

Classmate and decided to remind me of the cheap funds. I had a strong dry cough, and it is advised to buy mukaltin, which cost then 5 rubles per plate with 10 tablets.Almost two hours later, as the drunk, came relief. Since coughing for me - not a problem. Such a good effect on expensive drugs I never received before.

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In that year, I noticed that the volunteers have started sending letters by e-mail, repost publication social networks that actually, there are penny Soviet funds for all diseases, but they never offer pharmacists.

And the truth is, you come to the pharmacy and ask that they have a cough. In response - a list of drugs doroguschih voiced. I sometimes want to put a floor, when I see the face of sharply soured pharmacist after my request give mukaltin or cheap tablets cough.

They have to face strong disappointment that spend at me for a penny a minute. But I understand that their salary depends on the amount of sales and these days expect to think about the people, it is not necessary.

Sometimes it seems to me that the market conditions are destroying humanity in people ...

But at least this article on your channel I want to remind people of the existence of very cheap medicines for cough and sore throat, and that it is better to buy in advance. Later in the season pharmacies profitable to say no to these drugs, so in desperation people get pricey drugs.

Of those cheap drugs, but on the basis of the natural remedies - herbs, give the whole list that she keep in reserve is always with a spread of prices:

- Mukaltin (dry cough, 10-114 rubles). As a part - Althea medicinal herb.

- Tablets of cough (26-52 rubles). As a part of the lancet has Thermopsis grass.

- Thoracic Elixir Cough (Syrup, 15-38 rubles). The composition has a root extract of licorice, anise oil and ammonia.

- ammonia-anise drops (52-100 rubles), we clean the kitchen mistress plastic handles of gas cookers and so on. As a part - Anise oil.

- Pektusin (pain in the bitter, within 30 rubles). In structure there - Eucalyptus, levomenthol.

Surely there are other means of catorye I do not know. If someone can share in the comments that you keep in the vaults of the cheapest.

Thank you in advance for the Huskies;)share, communicate.
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There are contraindications, necessary to consult with a specialist.

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