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Winter greenhouse: constructive culture, expediency

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What build winter greenhouses, heating and lighting techniques, which should grow in the winter

Today is not a problem to eat a salad of vegetables in winter: in stores all year round - a rich assortment of plant products. But apart from the fact that the price for it is not the most accessible, and taste leaves much to be desired, at least too good, but to "enrich" the body of varying chemistry is quite real. Therefore, despite the abundance of home shopping, winter greenhouses, giving the opportunity to grow for his family eco-friendly and delicious vegetables or greens, have not lost their relevance. However, compared with the summer greenhouses, winter is more difficult in terms of construction and in terms of design operation, and demanding to materials. Members of our portal are primarily engaged in seasonal greenhouses, but also experience in the construction and use of year-round greenhouses is also available.


  • Structural features of winter greenhouses
  • Construction of winter greenhouses
  • What should be grown in winter
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What should be the winter greenhouse

Winter greenhouses are capital construction erected on the foundation, and that are able to withstand wind and snow loads. These can be stand-alone buildings and extensions with a blank wall. For example, to hozblok, permitting the orientation of the structure.


The foundation of the greenhouse can be a belt or of separate blocks, and rarer columnar foundation slab. UWB under-standing greenhouses usually do not, but if it is a winter garden within the capital at home, such a foundation is justified. In terms of the cost of a slight expansion of the construction site on the general background is not critical, and the heating circuit, laid down at the plate filling simplify the further improvement of the greenhouse.

To prevent the outflow is not free of heat through the base of the greenhouse, the construction of the foundation can use extruded polystyrene. The most efficient integrated insulation - and the foundation tape and the soil under the greenhouse, on the site of the future flower beds. Especially true application isolation, if you plan to soil heating, Epps will prevent unnecessary heat consumption for heating of the lower, unused soil layers. You can also use insulation to protect the north side.


Like seasonal, year-round greenhouses, mostly frame type, the frame is of two kinds:

  • metal;
  • wooden.

On the strength of these materials are comparable; In addition, the wood is not too hot in summer and much less gives off heat to the outside in the winter. Given that the winter greenhouses are built on a foundation, and direct contact with moisture will not have struts, the life of a wooden frame is quite decent. Naturally, in calculating the parameters of all elements should be taken into account the expected loads.

Alla Ivanova

I prefer to build only wooden winter greenhouses - cheaper, easier, and just- like a tree. We are in the desert such windstorms - Mama Do not Cry, but nothing ever frustrated, always do the conscience.

The frame of the pipe HDPE (High Density Polyethylene) - increasingly demanded for seasonal greenhouses, winter and if used, in the regions where heavy snowfall - a rarity.

Form greenhouse to a large extent depends on the frame material, climatic conditions and personal preferences. Most often build:

  • arched;
  • Shed;
  • gable.

In view of the form, for problematic arch designs to make a wooden frame, it is technically possible, but will require much more time and effort than rectangular versions. Therefore, such greenhouses typically on a metal frame, and more in demand for wood or uni gable constructions. While some still prefer to combine it with the arch wood.


As for the frame plating, the era of plastic film in several layers gradually disappearing, today in most cases polycarbonate (SP). Glass is also applied as a cladding greenhouses winter, it is considerably inferior thermal conductivity, although benefits in durability (that respects) and light transmittance. Optimal from the point of view of heat saving for cold regions is considered to be a greenhouse thermos - double skinned sheet joint venture with an air gap, for double glazing type. The thickness of the outer layer - not less than 6 mm is allowed for the internal thickness of 4 mm. However, the thicker the sheets in layers, the lower thermal conductivity, therefore, when creating a sealed circuit (use of end caps), the less heat outflow. During the summer months of thermos effect helps prevent overheating without the need for partial dismantling of cladding.

Encore Plus


Possible variants of coupling layers (inner plus outer, distance everywhere- from 20 to 50 mm):

  • 4.6 - 1.8 W / (m • ⁰S);
  • 10/6 - 1.61 W / (m • ⁰S);
  • 16/6 - 1.42 W / (m • ⁰S);
  • 16/10 - 1.27 W / (m • ⁰S);
  • 20/6 - 1.19 W / (m • ⁰S).

But do not get carried away too thicknesses, especially when greenhouse arch type. The thicker the sheet, the more the value of minimum radius to which it can bend without loss of performance. And with the acquisition component may cause problems, since the sheet thickness of 16 mm, they are rarely found on sale, and if there is, then the non-budget price. Whereas for the majority of regions in snow loads is sufficient, and 10 mm on the top layer, the main thing - to calculate step racks.

One of the users of the portal conservatory (extension) on UWB, with a shell with two layers of the joint venture.


I planned as an extension to the boiler at a UWB to deliver greenhouse - wooden frame, wall polycarbonate in two layers with an air gap. Height - 2.5 m, the coating - pent roof from polycarbonate.

Construction of winter greenhouses

To engage in crop production when nature is not provided in the winter greenhouse should be supported by the necessary crop temperature, light and humidity conditions.


Even greenhouses thermos with two layers of the joint venture as a cladding for year-round operation in regions with temperate and cold climates, first of all, an effective heating system. Another thing is that the sealed circuit with minimal heat loss will save on energy resources. When the mass of variants and varieties of fuel used, the heating itself is of several types:

  • Air - warm air is supplied through air ducts at different levels or heated oven and maintained directly installed in the room.
  • Contour - creates thermal contour at the edges, if necessary, on the middle part, pipes and radiators are used, the boiler can be installed in a greenhouse, and on removal.
  • Subsoil - in regions with mild climates, where severe frosts uncommon greenhouse thermos will keep warm with minimal heating. In this case laid in the ground water floor heating circuit or cable / electric mats, designed for a specific application.
  • Combined - combine air or heating with subsoil contour for growing crops, it is demanding to soil temperature.

Ruslan H

Sub-surface heating is not suitable for all crops, I'm currently in a greenhouse made hydraulic (gravitatsionka) on the corner with the possibility of acceding to the subsurface contour (for growing the same cucumber), other crops and good enough the aerial.

Or for hedging.

Alla Ivanova

Main heating - contour, pipe, subsurface contour deepened by 30 cm so that the processing of the motor-block is not damaged. If the ground is loose, it works well. But for me is not so important for the salad - just 14 ⁰S and heat in the soil, and other cultures ought to be higher. Subsurface heating I - insurance, can be very cold winters.

What is the source of energy use it depends on many factors - it's efficiency, and availability, and the ability to automate the process.

  • Electricity - one of the most expensive energy, but with minimal heat loss and it can become the basis of the system. Especially if there is a night rate and TA (heat accumulator).
  • Mains gas - cheaper electricity and is not inferior to electrical equipment for process automation capabilities, but is not available in all areas.
  • Solid fuel boilers - formerly the biggest problem was the need for a regular load, today there is a long-acting models, including, and improvised.


Heated winter greenhouse (100 m²), covered with a film in two layers, with a distance of 30-40 cm, homemade wood boilers. The desired temperature (20 ⁰S) maintained automatically. Share of wood in the boiler enough for a day when the temperature fell to 20-25 ⁰S frost, but in the "warm days" (5-10 ⁰S frost) missing up to two days or more, if the wood - oak, acacia. The boiler heats the air - a heat generator (without the water jacket). Especially does not strain, threw and sleep well (but the signal attenuation of the boiler or wood burn-bred in the house). The manufacturing costs of the boiler minor, blinded from the fact that the yard strewn, spent just to the electrodes (10 kg) and circles for grinders. Tried infrared gas burners - inefficient, they require a lot of air, and vent opening at frequent heat volatilizes.

As noted DVAL, flushing can be like anything and everything, everyone chooses his own version, which stops at both the optimal combination of cost and efficiency. here viktor50 He prefers the boiler "Bubafonya"And although he greenhouse seasonal, such an experience it is possible to adopt.

Lighting and humidity

Winter day is short, especially  in northern regions, so even with the correct orientation for proper growth greenhouse crops most supplementary lighting requires special lamps that generate the desired spectrum. Used HPS (sodium arc tubular lamp), or LED lamps. This is one of the items of expenditure when the winter crop, especially on a large scale.

Alla Ivanova

Heat - only one of the conditions, the main thing - the light, photosynthesis, however. In the same Novosibirsk region in winter only by distillation can be engaged. Or lamp - 200 m² about 40 pieces of 400 W, is 18 kW / h and at 12-16 hours per day.

Of course, when it's not about two hundred and twenty of the squares for personal use, cost significantly less, and many are willing to pay for the opportunity all year to use fresh herbs.

By regular watering, additional humidification in winter greenhouse normally required. And so it does not oversaturated, which is also not good for plants, greenhouses or ventilated through vents installed in the roof, or create a forced ventilation system with heat recovery. The second version of the budget will not name, and it is practically not in demand in small greenhouses. The very same watering is organized on the basis of insulated underground water pipe or through storage containers or root system (drip irrigation).

What should be grown in winter

Special restrictions there are practically no - cultivated and vegetables, and herbs, and berries, and ornamental, and even exotic plants. Another thing is that different cultures require different conditions, and the cost of providing will not be comparable with the result. That is, to eat lettuce and greens, need minimal heating and the minimum illumination, but if you want tomatoes, here and the temperature should be higher and the intensity of illumination. In addition, the same tomatoes and cucumbers - not the best of neighbors due to different preferences and humidity, and temperature, and light, and at the same time it is desirable to grow them at a distance from each other, which is not always possible in a compact structures. Ideally, a greenhouse built under a certain culture, and not vice versa.

Alla Ivanova

I am not a theoretician, practitioner - grow herbs in winter greenhouses. All issues are resolved in the complex, rather than separately, and the main issue - do not build a greenhouse, and the technology of cultivation of a culture, which is under construction and a greenhouse. Even we (Rostov region), is unprofitable to grow winter tomatoes and cucumbers, and dill is not enough light. Mainly engaged by distillation onion, parsley, lettuce, radishes and sorrel. Since January, the seedlings start to grow under the lights, March-April - landing.

But not always at the forefront - the benefits, especially when the goal - not income, and personal use.


It does not pay the greenhouse never neprodavaniya due to the resulting product. And I would not have bought so much anyway, so to count - is not necessary. But I have two of these stranded - with automatic irrigation and heated air. The money spent - not sorry.

And not everything is measured by money.


Galicia always pays off, even just awareness of the fact that people can cheat nature a little, that is, something above it. It gives a psychological incentive to further their development in all spheres of life.


Like many others, in this case, the question "to be or not to be", everyone decides on their own, based on their capabilities and needs. But the fact that crop under any sub-zero temperatures reality - a fact repeatedly proven, in particular, and the participants of our portal.

For more information about light winter greenhouses - in the material of svetokultury, how to choose the polycarbonate, advise the moderator of this forum. Attract Exotic - closer to you winter Garden. read, how to prepare for winter greenhouse seasonal. In the video - about growing tomatoes in winter.

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