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Garden season is over: what's next

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What to do and what not in any way not to do in the garden in the "dead time"

"And it all in such a hurry to close the season? Autumn work can be done before the deep frosts, there is a reserve for the next spring! Many so hastily close season, it's like an escape, but then the seed on a windowsill open in January - missed! "- affected participant FORUMHOUSE Svet-Lana. We found out that useful for their gardens make the users of our portal and advisors during the "dead season", and share their experiences with you.

Formally, the season closed. Crop is harvested, the trees in the garden last fall leaves, empty vegetable beds waiting for them will cover a layer of snow. But before the snow even now, in the off season, you can manage to do much for your site will be grateful to you. Here is a sample list of these cases.

  • Dig the ground at the site and mark the beds. This activity is best done as late as possible, especially since after the first frost dig - a pleasure. Earth becomes a light and supple. Before digging, you can add fertilizer (considering what plants will be planted in the spring at this point).
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  • Dig the ground in tree trunks circles. The fact is that this year's unusually warm in many regions, even hot, and dry autumn, and even at night until the end of October holds zero temperature. At first glance, this climate mitigation can only rejoice, but the weather worsens the chances of fruit crops in the normal overwintering. It seems that the trees and shrubs will not stop the growing season until November, so it is necessary to somehow cool the root system to accelerate the ripening of the shoots and cause defoliation. Agronomists, growers say, the sooner (within reason, of course), the plants go into a state of rest, the better for them.
A state of rest plant provides cooling roots.


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Not whatshovel leavesthe fall is necessary, and dig the ground under the young trees that are at risk. Cooling -only root plus add hardiness.

  • Trim the leaves of herbaceous peony. The leaves are cut off only when the buds were formed - otherwise you can hurt the plant.



It is better to cut the leaves, leaving no stumps, ie the level of the soil.

  • Shelter for the winter roses. Reminder: Rose should go to the shelter prepared - dry, so after treatment with fungicides have to take hours to dry, and in any case can not cover roses in the rain! Another event to prepare roses for winter - obligatory removal of all leaves. This is done for the prevention of fungal diseases. As for the cover, there is no need to reinvent the wheel - it is best to hide lutrastilom rose more shiny side up (so he will not miss precipitation).



120 netkanki units along arcs or frameeverything inside is dry and clean, and lively. Do not be afraid netkanki coddle and roses in the film, spruce branches and jackets.

  • Sow flower seeds (such as calendula, sweet tobacco, eschscholzia, Iberis, the annual poppy and phlox, Rudbeckia, aquilegia) and some plants forming root crops which tolerate cold - for example, carrots.

    The main condition for successful podzimnego sowing - that the seeds do not germinate until spring, or seedlings kill frost. Therefore, it is necessary to sow them ONLY in the frozen ground. So now, while the ground is still soft, it is necessary to prepare the beds and make a furrow. When furrow "grab" frost distribute seeds in them and to fill in advance stored underground.
  • Hang the feeders and gradually start complementary feeding birds.
  • Collect and destroy fallen apples and other fruits.



Be sure to remove from beneath fruit trees windfalls (in this "beauty" a lot of any «contagion ") and somewhere dig (in any case not be disposed of windfalls in the compost pile).

  • Remove the leaves from the territory of the orchard (only if there was an outbreak of disease or pest infestation).


I did not put away. If the garden is healthy, the leaves peregniyut themselves. If the garden was an outbreak of pests or fungal diseases, it is best to clean, otherwise the leaves will be carriers.

  • Remove grass from the lawn.


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Cleaning leaves from the lawn the question of decoration. Of course, the grass under preet litter during the winter, and remain bald spots. want lawnGet out of the foliage. It is unique.

The collected leaves can be collected in a heap or a compost pit and leave the reach of fertilizer condition. Many people throw a bunch of leaves urea solution - it's pointless, urea begins to run only in the warm season, in October, it will be a waste of time and effort.

Likewise, it makes little sense to feed in the winter the plant phosphate fertilizers and other trace elements - all of it was appropriate to August-September, when the plant life have not calmed down, and they were able to make reserves of nutrients, but now, "though their gold grist ". A feed nitrogen (e.g., obkladyvat bushes fresh manure) are generally harmful "swallowing" fresh nitrogen plant will drive new shoots instead to prepare for winter.

  • dial land for the February "seed." Better than any soil will be purchased the land on which grew a nettle which, in principle, only grows on the best soil, fertile and non-infected diseases. Also, for the cultivation of seedlings from the soil well suited mole heaps.
  • Once the snow falls, to warm them to their root system of trees. The fact that no snow temperature in the soil can reach -14 degrees, and the root system suffers many cultures already at -10.


consultant FORUMHOUSE

spring Yes, the sooner the snow come down, the better, but still within reason: to clear the snow in February and March is fraught.

Find out, how to prepare for winter ornamental pond, Read about all the known Roses cover ways,  and about autumn planting of fruit. Watch the video, where experts talk about the recent work in the garden before the winter season.

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