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Prepare seed potatoes for planting. The process of vernalization or germination in the light

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It is time for potato planting, so many farmers are concerned about what to do with the planting as it prepared to land?


Until the tubers are dormant, need to awaken the spring buds to grow. Vernalization promotes rapid maturation tubers.

Spread potato tubers to sprouting from a cold cellar or basement is necessary for 1-1.5 months before planting, usually in April in the middle lane.

To apply this shallow boxes, tubers laid out in one or two layers and exhibit a bright room with a temperature of + 18- + 22 degrees. Then after 1-2 weeks the temperature was lowered to 15 degrees to prevent stretching of germs.

We can not allow stretching of germs
We can not allow stretching of germs

Over time, potatoes can go green is produced solanine. Tubers acquire immunity less affected infections, they acquire resistance to adverse conditions. These tubers are not damaged by rodents.

When planting the tubers can not pour into a bucket, or eyes can be damaged. Immediately the potato should be placed directly into the wells.

Potatoes are divided into early, ultraranny, is middle-late. In the middle zone are grown, as a rule, all these species, except the later, because they do not have time to mature before frost.

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The advantage of germination in the light

The advantage of germination in the light is the fact that under the influence of indirect sunlight tubers disinfected by fungal spores. Due to the accelerated process of vernalization produce a crop.

Potatoes, which are planted for long-term storage, heated to light for several days before planting. Then planted in the ground on waking eyelets.

Treatment with boric acid or potassium permanganate

As disinfecting tubers can be decontaminated with a solution of potassium permanganate or boric acid. To this sprayed planting means of pulvelizatora.

Recommended by experts dusted with ash tubers before planting. Just sprinkle the ashes through a sieve over boxes with potatoes. Then pollinated tubers are laid in the ground on landing.


For uniform germination of sprouts on the tuber make cuts on it (cut with a knife in the center of the tuber to the middle of the potato). Cutting material necessarily need to be disinfected before the procedure. As a result of such actions eyes begin to germinate evenly across the surface of the potato.

The optimal value for planting seed tuber - a value of a hen's egg, weighing - 60-80 g.

Large tubers can be cut into 2 parts and a little podvyalit for zarubtsevaniya cut.

Of course, you can not mess around and tubers and plant, as they are, with a basement. But the harvest you will have an appropriate and product maturation prolonged. Some tubers can and generally do not grow out of the ground.

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