I clear the kitchen hood is simple and easy
Kitchen for any housewife - a sacred place in the house and at the same time face the very mistress. From the way many have heard this, that a woman is judged by the state of her kitchen. But what about the fatigue of work and lots of household chores related to the children and other family members? I have already adapted to the different methods and life hacking, facilitates my housework and share with you.
Earlier I wrote about easy ways to cleanse the pan from the inveterate fat for 5 minutes, handles and grates on a gas stove. If anyone is interested, you can be found on this channel. Those methods are described in them, too light, cheap. But today, I talk about another method.
Extractor hood - no less problematic thing like burnt fat in the pan, which previously had to be cleaned more effort. But this is us on the shoulder. Buy at the hardware store caustic soda (another name - sodium hydroxide) or otherwise caustic soda. Do not forget the rubber gloves and sponge with a soft and a hard side.
Dissolve soda in boiling water for 1/5 of water. Shake in a jar or bottle, and may be applied to the surface of the hood. Exactly how you decide to apply, you can sprinkle with a nozzle, can be applied using a cloth liquid. But you need to dip liberally, and if there is a need to repeat while dislodging. Bold drawing layer immediately start "peeling" off the surface. But we have to wait 5-6 minutes before flushing with clean water.