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Where in the country live well: the experience of different countries

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As different governments encourage people to move from big cities to their land

Everywhere they occur in about the same processes in the world: people leave their small towns and villages and leave for big cities: there, where there are more opportunities for the realization of where the jobs are, where it is easier to feed family. To bring life back to the dying towns and villages, governments and regions are coming up with different programs and are willing to do quite a generous offer. Some of them said the article.


  • How to get 24 thousand euros for the transfer to Italy
  • To pay the oil money in Alaska
  • How to support the move "on the ground" in Spanish
  • Work, land and house offers in New Zealand
  • Programs for individual housing construction in the US
  • Projects for migrants in Russia

Italy: 24 000 euros each migrant

Administrative Region Government of Molise in Italy offering 700 euros to anyone who wants to move there. Molise - one of the poorest Italian regions, there are few attractive tourist facilities and development of industry, people are engaged mainly in agriculture. The area of ​​the region is almost 5000 kilometers and lives here only 305,000 people. Local residents are gradually moving from the historic towns of Molise in the major cities and in regions where better jobs over the past five years has left the area of ​​about nine thousand people.

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To attract settlers, the regional administration introduced the "Manual on the active residence". Ministry of Economic Development has allocated for this project is one million euros. The money will be spend so:

  • towns will receive a monthly administration of 10 thousand euros for the development of infrastructure and interesting events;
  • each settler will receive 700 euros a month (but not more than 24 thousand euros for three years).

What criteria must meet the immigrant to get the money he needs to settle down in one from crumbling towns of the region, with a population of about two thousand people, and it should in the future to open its business.

On September 16, 2019 all interested persons will have 60 days to participate in the tender.

As the head of the Molise, Donato Tom, no limits in the choice of business immigrants: want, bake bread, want, trade office.

It is clear that not everyone will be enjoyed by the slow rhythm of the provincial towns, but those who appreciate this kind of life, like in Molise. Instead, local authorities expect the settlers to revive the economy of the region.

Alaska. oil payments

Alaska - it is the "Far East" of the United States, a region with a harsh climate and large, sparsely populated areas. Now there will not be typed, and 800 thousand people. To keep people in this harsh land, it was established by the Alaska Permanent Fund (APF). It was created when the state found oil.

According to state law, the oil belongs to all Alaskans. Every year, every American who

  • I lived in Alaska for over a year;
  • He was able to prove that he was going to live in this state and beyond;
  •  He has no criminal record

receives a dividend from its oil revenues. Payout the same for everyone. Even in Alaska, there is no income tax and sales tax - it also brings to life in frost and snow.

Asturias. Money for the move to the village

Pong - is a village in the north-east of Spain, in the Principality of Asturias. This is one of the poorest places in the country: the climate in the Principality of Asturias is worse than in the rest of the country, tourists come here reluctantly, therefore, you can only earn farming. 75.6% of the population bred cattle make cheese and other products. Now Pongo lives less than 700 people, and, basically, it is the older generation. The town is dying, and to somehow breathe life into it, the City Council has promised three thousand euros each for couples, who will move here. Another three thousand will pay after the birth.

New Zealand: semlya and cheap house

In the town of Kaitangata about 800 people living in New Zealand. There's a lot of abandoned houses, vacant land and work; however, almost all the work here - in the field of sheep. Farmers here do not receive subsidies from the state, it is a business with strong competition: ensure that products sold, it must be of the highest quality.

The city authorities offer migrants work and very favorable prices for housing and land. But this offer is only valid for those who will be ready to live and to work actively in this rather boring place for at least two years. In this case, the county reported that applications of immigrants will be treated on a general basis without making it easier for them conditions.

How to support rural life in the United States and Canada

In the United States, as well as in some Western European countries are in the process of suburbanization - people are more and more actively move from big cities to the suburbs or even in the countryside. It is important that this new wave of rural people has nothing to do with agriculture, a level of this village life is so high that it exceeds all over the city.

2/3 of the US population lives in rural areas, but agriculture employs about 11% of Americans.

The famous "one-storey America," people's attachment to life on earth - is largely the result of government programs aimed at supporting rural life. All of them are divided into three blocks:

  • housing;
  • the construction of engineering facilities;
  • development of the rural economy.

They use a variety of instruments of state support, including grants, loans and subsidies. For example, there are loans for single-family rural home repair: no more than 20 thousand dollars for 20 years at 1% per annum. The program is written, what is the target can spend money: the repair or replacement of roofing, engineering systems, insulation, etc.
There are loans from the Ministry of Agriculture in the self-construction of houses: in the project combine several families under the leadership of NGOs, which employs inspectors watching over the way is building. Poor families instead of a loan on a similar program receive grants, which are distributed by local authorities.

In Canada, to support the villagers created a program Home Grown Solutions, which is funded by the government, together with several housing organizations. According to her small settlements issue means that grants are distributed among the families, including the construction and repair of housing. Canada is divided into three zones: South, North and Far North, and the greatest amount of financial aid received by inhabitants of the far north.

Far hectare and other programs

In Russia, the most famous state program designed to motivate people to move "on the ground" is called "Far hectare." It operates since 2016 and is now on her every Russian can get free use of the land area of ​​1 hectare. For example, a family of four persons will receive four hectares of land.

Far East - a huge area, but it is poorly populated, and the program was devised to attract people there. What you need to know about the program:

  • at the first stage it is provided not in the property, and it is in use. Three years later, will have to write a report on how the land is used. Five years later, the earth will pass or property, or in long-term lease.
  • those "gektarschiki", which will be built on the site of the house will be able to issue it in the property earlier than five years. But for this construction must conform to the parameters of individual housing (not more than 20 meters, no more than 3 floors, single-family homes, and so on. P.) And legalized.

Land under this program can be taken for various purposes, from business to gardening. So far, the priorities are as follows: 40% - take hectare for the construction of the house, 30% - in agriculture, 10% - to develop tourism.



Ownerless land lot, if there tyama then prorvoshsya. I look in the direction of eco-tourism. There are all sorts of interesting undertakings.

Here are the regions where you can take the land under this program:

  • Jewish Autonomous Region
  • Transbaikal region
  • Kamchatka Krai
  • Magadan Region
  • Primorsky Krai

On FORUMHOUSE there are a few stories of people who have decided to participate in the program "Far East ha."



In reality, things are not so sweet as a report to the State and not as bad as the citizens say.

On our forum you can read these stories.

This year there were new programs to support the country residents. We talked about the second version of the "wooden mortgage" - to build a house on credit money is now no more expensive than kvartiru- "dolevku" in the high-rise building.

In most regions of the Russian large families (with more than two children) provide land free of charge. Lots size determines regional government - so, in the Moscow area can not exceed 15 acres, the family must live in the territory of the municipality for at least five years, the children - not to be in the state provision.

September 25 will come into effect the decision of the Russian Government of 07.09.2019 №1170, which provides for the granting of subsidies for the repayment of a mortgage loan for large families. Subsidy will be merged with the parent capital - so the family will be able to repay the loan for a house worth up to 900 thousand rubles.

On FORUMHOUSE you can learn, life is like farmers in the domestic realities and it is possible basically live off agriculture. Watch a video on compact modern houseWho built for himself a professional architect.

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