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Do paint at home

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We already wrote about one of the ways to protect wood - whitewashing. Today we offer to meet with the Board Members color wood and other surfaces.

Red tree

To give the wood a reddish color, a member sader4 advised to do the following. Add to 100 ml of water 5 grams of carminic acid boil for 3 hours, then cool. The product is made of wood and polish well with a brush cover it with this line-up three times. After drying, treated with a solution of 100 ml of water, 6 g of stannous chloride and 3 g of tartaric acid.

The stain can be used as any of the dye solution for red tissue. The right tone color produced by coloring a few sessions tree.


Currently ebony - very heavy, rich black. After polishing the surface looks like a mirror. To create a similar effect, hard type wood (maple, oak, pear, beech) treat the aqueous solution: per liter of water - 25-30 g of the organic dye Nigrosine.

gray maple

To convert any gray maple wood, immerse the product for 3-4 hours in a soap solution (1 liter water mixed with soap 50 g), wash with water, dry and place for an hour in a 2% aqueous solution of nitrate gland. Then again, rinse and lower in a 2% soda solution. Finally hold in indigo carmine solution (per liter of water, 12.5 g of the dye) and enjoy the result obtained - product gray color with a slightly bluish tint.

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brown tone

Get a light brown color is very simple, if your product is made from oak or other wood varieties with a high content of tannins such as tannin. Moisten the product with milk of lime (with slaked lime), dry and remove plaque lime soft brush or cloth. Oak give a dark brown color as possible by treating the product of 20% solution of iron sulphate, gray-brown color - ammonia.

Finnish paint

sader4 convinced that painting with oil paint tree - only waste time:

- Oil paint does not contribute to the longevity of the tree houses. Studies have shown that such paint is waterproof (it accumulates under the paint). This creates the optimum environment for the development of micro-organisms that destroy wood. Better use of Finnish composition. Such houses are decades without being destroyed.

Finnish part, considers forumchanin - a godsend for gardeners and residents of the village. To prepare the paint, we need:

  • water - 9 l;
  • flour (wheat, rye) - 720 g;
  • salt - 360 g,
  • Lime dry pigment - 1560 g
  • Inkstone - 1560

The main secret of quality Finnish paint - strict observance of technology of preparation.

First, prepare the paste: a flour gradually add water (6 l), bringing the composition to a consistency of thick cream. First, pour the cold water, the residue - hot. Strain the paste and put on fire. Stirring constantly, add salt, then - iron sulfate, followed by - a dry chalky pigment. Then pour the residue with hot water. Paint is applied onto the surface twice with a brush. Paint Flow Rate - 300 g per sq. m. According sader4, fence treated Finnish paint will stand up to 20 years without maintenance.

House or fence, previously painted with oil paint, completely clean from her, and then paint the Finnish structure, without primer. Specific color can cause the paint with the help of grated red brick, residues from decoctions nut crust, cornflower, sunflower seeds, etc.

Swedish paint

Swedish paint - one of the most practical and inexpensive formulations. But this paint is not without its disadvantages - it is not as beautiful as Oily or enamel. There are several recipes for this composition. The most popular is the following (for 10 liters of paint):

  • water - about 6 l (added to the mixture to a volume of 10 liters);
  • rye flour - 800 g;
  • salt - 250 g;
  • iron sulfate - 400 g;
  • linseed oil - 300 (or 500 g for coating roofs);
  • pigment - 300-600, the

Swedish paint is usually prepared in a big pot. Boil water and dissolve therein sodium chloride and iron sulfate. In another container dissolve in water to a slurry state rye flour and pour into brine with boiler. Boil the mixture for half an hour. Then add and stir vigorously varnish composition to form an emulsion. After adding the pigment, diluted beforehand in hot water to obtain the desired tone. The resulting mixture was again good mix and, if necessary, dilute with water to the desired consistency.

Most popular colors - yellow, red, brown. Use of alkali-resistant pigments such as ocher or ocher iron.

Swedish paint cover the surface only once and without prior preparation. This composition protects wood from rot and mold, preserves the surface.

Swedish paint cover only planed boards for processing doors and windows she will not do.

casein paint

The advantage of casein paint is that it dries quickly, giving pleasant colors and uniform matte layer.

Freshly paint should be used within 8 hours.

For paint preparation need casein glue. You can buy ready (clean, neat) or do it yourself. Adhesive doing so: Mix 200 g of casein with a liter of water and let to swell for 30-40 minutes, then add 60 g of borax, stir and warm in a water bath at 50 degrees for 30 minutes.

If the hot solution was added 50 g of linseed oil (linseed oil) to give a water resistant adhesive.

Variant 2: 20 g casein powder mix of rosin (4 g) and slaked lime powder (1 g), add 40 mL of water, stir and let stand for 2-3 hours for swelling. Heat the mixture on a water bath and mixed with a hot solution (1 g of borax in 12 ml water). Adhesive cool and add 2 ml of liquid ammonia and 20 ml water.

Add a hot solution of finely sifted wood ash and get a thick paste, which are glued wood to metal, ceramics, glass.

Now prepare the paint. 1 kg of powdered casein glue solution in water for 30-40 minutes (the amount of - 10% to obtain a solution). To this add 300 g of linseed oil, 8 kg of chalk, 30 g of water-wetted pigment (mineral pigments beforehand in dry form with the filler mix - lime, chalk). Then add 10% alum solution before thickening composition (80 g). Instead of alum can use borax.

There are several recipes for casein paint:

  • With liquid glass - particularly good for damp rooms, dry in a couple of days: 1 part dry casein in dilute sodium hydroxide or potassium hydroxide, then adding 3 parts of sodium silicate. If you want a more flexible paint, add a small amount of the solution of liquid glass and soap, more brilliant - blend in a soluble glass shellac solution.
  • With romance cement - strong as a stone, dries quickly: 1 parts by weight of Roman cement, 2 parts by weight elutriated fine sand, 1 part of burnt gypsum, 0.75 parts of skimmed milk. All at once and stir before use (sand can settle to the bottom).
  • With gypsum - gives unusually durable coating. In the air such paint quickly grasp, so it is used immediately after preparation. Ingredients: 8 parts by weight of freshly precipitated casein, 17 parts of burnt lime, burnt gypsum 7 parts, 6 parts of lead oxide. Extinguish the lime water and mix on a stone slab with casein. Then add plaster and white lead. Grind stone in weight grater, adding water to the mushy state. Before working mass is diluted with water.

Useful tips on how to properly clean the paint from old painted surfaces and upgrade them, giving this article. How to choose paint, tells here. Master class on painting furniture look at this video. Artificial aging of wood Gameday discussed in this topic.

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