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Additional fertilizing for a carrot in June and July

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At the end of June and in July, it is necessary in addition to a simple watering start to feed carrots, so she stepped up growth and development.

When our neighbors come to us and see how we tasty nibbling carrots and disclaim rubbed with sugar, they are always surprised. But, really, many of carrot eaten with sugar and sour cream. I have not thought about it specifically, assuming that the case in people's preferences. But when at a party try carrots, I start to understand why they eat only sugar.

Our carrot is always so tasty and sweet, the sugar does not need simple. Maybe the difference is that we have a special home Feeding the fertilizer and the other - no?

Try to follow my advice and cook the carrot diet, from which it will grow as sweet as juicy.

I fertilize twice a carrot but spring planting time. The first wave of introducing trace elements for me - it's not just dressing for carrots, but also to fight against pests such as wireworms. This abomination is gnawing all the roots, leaving us nothing to eat. In the early months of watering solution from a sol by adding tobacco dust (I insist night). From carrot fly is also saved, if still above ground dry ash to mix with the dust, and all will be good to scatter.

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The second dressing is already held by me homemade fermented fertilizer. I do it almost every day preparing for all crops in the garden, watering the carrots, too. A couple of times in the past month so you can water the diluted solution of chicken poop.

People's recipe for carrot fertilizer to set the sweetness in the taste:

In warm water (1L) Take 50g yeast (cube) and 2 spoons of sugar. Insist about from morning to evening, and the liquid in the volume of half a liter to fill a bucket of diluted fermented fertilizer. This dressing is enough carrots for a month. Sometimes you can simply repeat the watering of green manure.

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