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6 errors in tomato cultivation

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When growing tomatoes in the country or private sites allow vacationers often annoying errors, resulting in deteriorating fruition, tomatoes or poorly developed. How can this be avoided?

Errors in growing this culture is better to prevent than to correct them and then to no avail. Thus, pay attention to the features listed below care tomatoes even before buy their seeds.

Errors that allow gardeners when growing tomatoes

Most often problems occur in the cultivation of farmers who make organic (chicken manure, dung) and nitrogen fertilizers. Tomatoes need to make phosphorous-potash fertilizers for normal development. Should not be planted tomatoes in enough fertilized organic soil. No need to fill the hole with fresh manure (only humus, which lay at least 5 years), or bird droppings. In this organic matter much nitrogen. This leads to zhirovaniju tomatoes, development of green mass. For the season mullein solution used only up to 3 times.

Urea for tomatoes not apply, except in the case, if the bushes look weakened (1 tbsp. Spoon urea bucket of water sprayed on the sheet) in the emergency after planting, after 10-15 days.

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Also, do not need to plant tomatoes in the shade, because the tomato - is a light-requiring culture. Even a small penumbra may affect the harvest. In addition to good lighting, the beds must be ventilated on all sides.

No need to thicken landing, the minimum distance between the bushes - 45 cm. Planted more often in a checkerboard pattern on a bed width of 1 meter.

It is impossible to fill the entire area of ​​the beds, pour water into the hole directly at the root. When wetland roots do not breathe, because there is no normal ventilation, which adversely affects the receipt of food from the soil. Besides waterlogging effect on beneficial microorganisms living in the soil, they stop working. Begin to develop root rot and other diseases, including late blight.

Do not prick at ground level. Tomatoes grow best at high beds, at least not less than 10-15 cm from the surface of the earth. The paths between the beds in this case, will be drainage, which will flock excess water. This is to some extent safeguard against epidemic Phytophthora.

The article examined errors in tomato cultivation. As a rule, the above problems occur in novice gardeners. But some of the nuances of care for the tomatoes may not know and vacationers with "considerable experience" works on the infield.

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