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Why not to pierce the cabbage to the bottom with sauerkraut.

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Sauerkraut is very popular among the people of our country and neighboring countries. People use it in food as a separate dish, and as an additive for making soup and salads. In sauerkraut saved a huge amount of vitamins, which makes it useful for health. To use cabbage in a way almost no contraindications.

But how to ferment the cabbage to make it hard and crunchy. On the Internet you can find a lot of tips from the cabbage lovers. So I decided to share some of the secrets of this useful vegetable fermentation, which I borrowed from his grandfather, a professional chef.

Firstly, I would like to refute one of the recommendations, which often slips into recipes pickled vegetables: cabbage piercing during its leaven. Some manage to pierce cabbage several times a day. Justify this manipulation by the fact that otherwise the cabbage will turn slimy, bitter and will have an unpleasant odor.

Neither my grandfather nor I never did and we always get a very tasty sauerkraut. To prove their case, I had to learn a lot of literature that explains the process of scientific ferment. And that's what I learned: in cabbage juice contains sugar, which reacts with the salt and bacteria.

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As a result, it is converted to acetic and lactic acid. In the process stands ethanol and methane and CO2 which exits the product as bubbles. Ethanol, in turn, dissolves in the brine. This process should take place without anyone's participation.

Therefore piercing sauerkraut completely unnecessary and useless. Conversely, when the cabbage pierce, juice rushes down and displaces air therefrom. Thus, there is a violation sourdough process: bacteria did not manage to overcome ethanol and methane - there is an unpleasant smell.

Even in Soviet times factories booze huge amount of cabbage. I have carefully studied the process flow sheets and nowhere found references to the piercing Cabbage: Yes, and it was impossible, because the cabbage Kvass in huge tanks, tight closed. They always maintain the required temperature at all times.

Another of the highlights of a successful leaven cabbage is to comply with temperature control. You need time to make the container with cabbage in a cool place, otherwise it will be too soft, and acid: lactic acid bacteria in a warm environment will multiply too quickly, damaging the product.

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