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As a bouquet of chrysanthemums, I take root. A simple way to

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I recently presented a bouquet of beautiful roses. And I had the idea to grow the same colors in the home. What should be done to root the flower from the bouquet?

Step-by-step instruction

1. Take a flower and a knife to cut diagonally across three cuttings from the stem.

2. Use scissors to cut all the leaves to interstitials.

3. Prepare floral primer based on coconut substrate (it is well rooted plants).

4. Pour the soil into a container (preferably in a transparent, since it will be possible to observe the germination of the root system) and make three holes in the soil with a pencil.

5. To plant the cuttings in them. The ground around them tamp and pour.

6. Cover with a plastic bag on top of the condensate.

Do not confuse where the top and where the bottom!

7. Put on a bright windowsill.

8. To monitor soil moisture and slightly open for 10 minutes to ventilation.

1.5-2 weeks you will notice already have taken root cuttings, shoots from the buds go, and will be visible in the roots of the earth. Those cuttings that do not like, you just need to remove the soil.

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Using this method the cuttings acclimatized 90 percent. That is, some stalk can not settle down, settle down but one accurately.

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