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All the stages of preparation of tea Koporsky: collection, wilting, fermentation, drying, blending, brewing.

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Very soon, in the forests and foothills blossom willow-herb, also known as willow, used to make an incredibly tasty and healthy drink. FORUMHOUSE advises tested methods of preparation Koporsky tea.

Fireweed tea was a drink of Russians from the XII to the early twentieth century, was known to the whole world, and thousands of pounds was exported to Europe. Koporskaya it was named after the town Koporje where it made in large quantities. Now its sales are in small quantities, mainly - in the monastic hermitages. Secrets of making this tea passed from generation to generation. Koporye tasted tea, many refuse from the usual - it is so tasty.

Ivan-tea grows in abundance in a forest clearing, field fires. Collect it in a time of flowering, it is desirable - in the beginning, but in general the sheet can be assembled almost two months. In business there are young leaves: the lowest, the old, do not take. Flowers (before the formation of the seed and lint) is also useful: for beauty and pleasant odor. In addition, they have anti-tumor properties. It is undesirable to collect the leaves after the rain, they are also not recommended to wash. The fact is that on the surface of the sheet live bacteria, which then will be actively involved in the fermentation of raw materials, and if to wash them, it will adversely affect the quality of tea. So just collect leaves in clean places, away from the roads.

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In no case do not pluck a rose-root, is a perennial plant. And be sure to leave untouched a third of the population, to rose-withered and gave seeds.

Simple Koporye tea

When you break off the leaves, see that with them not to break the bottom flower ovary: in the warmth they unfold, and then you have to choose from tea fluff. Carefully inspect the leaves, so that was sick, with the eggs of insects, etc.

Fresh leaves are cut sharp, preferably ceramic knife on a wooden cutting board, cutting wrinkled hands as coleslaw. All this tightly stuffed into clean bags - canvas or plastic. Sheet or warm the mixture should be fermented. The fermentation time depends on the status sheet. If it did not rain a week, the sheet will be tough and dry if it rained recently, the leaves are succulent. fermentation time also depends on the weather and other conditions. Therefore, sometimes the tea is brewing for hours, sometimes - for a day, and sometimes - for two. Focus should be on the color - sheet shall darken; but the main thing - the smell: of grass, he should be fruity, with a hint of prunes.

Fermentation in the preparation of tea - the most crucial and complex process. Depend on it and the color and taste. Ivan-tea, without fermentation - a simple herb.

After fermentation, the tea was dried in a drier or an oven. An important point: the flowers of willow-tea is not fermented and dried separately. Properly cooked tea can be stored for a long time, over the years it gets better.

Granulated tea Koporye

This is the easiest way to prepare Koropsky tea. After collecting the frozen sheet - thus collapses the cellular structure. After defrosting raw minced and placed in any container, above - no steel. Fermentation CTC takes several hours, and wait for the smell - to submit for drying.

FORUMHOUSE experts believe that granulated tea is inferior in taste sheet, but not gourmet, who in real life is drinking tea bags, it is not so noticeable.

Elite Koporye tea

Collection. Fresh leaves of willow-herb layer of 5-7 centimeters podvyalivayut in the shadow of 12:00, sometimes longer. Occasionally, stir the raw material, to protect the upper layer from drying. Leaves should be flabby and lethargic.

Twisting. Now the second step: rolling. First leaves are rolled into a ball and then rolled into a cigar. Rolled cigar in his hands until, until it becomes dark and does not cease to fall apart. Leaves it no longer rustle, and will smack one's lips.

Fermentation. Finished cigars are stacked tightly in an enamel or glass container, cover with a damp towel, close lid. Oppression is not needed. Do not put it in the sun, put on the floor in the house. Watch out for the smell: the aroma of fresh herbs should be replaced by a floral-fruity. As soon as the smell will begin to weaken, end fermentation. Do not miss this moment - you can ruin everything!

Drying. Ready-cut sausages as tobacco, cm layer laid on trays, covered with baking paper and dried at a temperature of 100 degrees. It can be dried in Russian furnace. Keep the oven door ajar. It is important to not dry up the tea: in his hands he has to break, but do not crumble into dust.

FORUMHOUSE Tip: If dry leaves directly into small sausages, during the brewing they will blossom beautifully in the teapot.

Flowers and blend

Flowers willow-herb dried separately, in the beams can be on paper or in the shade, it is possible - in an oven at 50 degrees. Can be first in the shadows, then dosushit in the oven. Flowers add to the finished willow-herb. Beauty is also added the dry cornflower, chamomile, etc.

Try blends with mint leaves, raspberries, currants, blueberries, meadowsweet, various berries, black or green tea. Perhaps you will find a magical blend, but most rose-like in its pure form, without sugar.

Even the best willow-herb can spoil improper brewing. The maximum water temperature should be 80 degrees. Karaulte tea, so as not to miss a moment of the so-called "white key": you hear the first sounds of boiling - remove the kettle. Rinse the teapot with boiling water, brew the tea and let it brew for 15-20 minutes. Immediately pour tea again - "second" tea is much tastier and more aromatic "first". But most of the same tea brewing impossible.

Emperor Nicholas II respect willow-herb with the addition of fresh, finely chopped ginger (teaspoon per gallon) of fresh quince with buds and leaves of peppermint. Quince can replace lemon.

That's a complicated recipe of this tea from a user of our portal NickB:

1. Fireweed fermented strong fermentation
2. Fireweed fermented weak fermentation
3. fresh ginger
4. Leaf and inflorescence Peppermint
5. Oregano Leaf and inflorescence
6. Dried apple (the fruit)
7. Japonica dried (fruit)
8. Sheet blackcurrant
9. Black currant dried
10. raspberry leaf
11. Strawberry leaf forest.


In the preparation of tea a lot of nuances, and each time it turns out a little different tea. This depends on the raw materials and by drying, and the method of fermentation. To destroy the cellular structure of willow-herb can be frozen, knead, twist thereof sausages etc.

Drying the sheet can be at a temperature below 100 degrees above - is dried at some 150 degrees, in the dryer, oven in a Russian stove... Poluprosohshy tea can bring to a readiness in a frying pan - the options, however, are very lot. From one and the same sheet can be prepared pale yellow tea with a light floral fragrance, or tar-black, with a sharp spicy taste.

Therefore it is necessary to record all the stages of preparation: time and place of collection, while wilting, fermentation method and drying temperature. Make every time a few options, and eventually will be able to choose for themselves a perfect way.

Stanishnik (User FORUMHOUSE):
- My good friend, for example, fry in a skillet, pritrambovyvaya hand, "booted" in the welding glove. Why not? After all, as China's famous green tea is prepared Xi Hu Lung Jing.

Important: Cyprus thickens the blood, so those for whom it is critical, it is recommended to add meadowsweet, cherry and raspberry that blood just liquefy it.

Stages of preparation of tea Koporsky discussed here. it video will tell you how to grow medicinal and aromatic portions at his dacha. To learn how to build a garden in a small tea house, tell this article.

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