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How to live in Israel, features 10 apartments Israeli

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Life in the hot Israeli climate is radically different from the familiar to us with you. Therefore, the housing Israelites settle in a special way.

To begin with, the old buildings reminiscent of the hut on chicken legs. Ground floor, in our understanding, is absent and is an open car park, a bed or beds mix with parking, and the whole house structure rests on stilts.

There are many other differences.

Differences and features of a typical Israeli apartment:

1. No hallway.

Entering the apartment, once you get salon, in our room, or the kitchen, if it is combined with the interior. No we are used to a wet cloth on the floor in the hallway and a wardrobe. The street is warmer than the room and no one wears jackets. Why did the Israelis do not wipe their feet at the entrance, for I had remained a mystery.

2. Tiles on the floor. Gender is not only in the bathroom or kitchen, but in the whole apartment is tiled. Hot summers it is very convenient. And to wash quickly and easily.

3. Shower instead of a bath.

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In Israel, the water and excessively expensive to spend it is simply not accepted. Therefore, most of the apartments is equipped with only a shower but expensive modern buildings.

4. No wallpaper. Because of the heat and the constant sunshine colors fade any color. Therefore, the walls and ceiling belyatsya or painted in white or light colors.

5. Balcony or terrace. Even in the smallest apartment has a balcony that Israelis do not litter the old bike and put there a table and chairs for relaxing.

6. No heating. In the winter months, when the air is cooled to 10-15 degrees, and rain can be a day, lack of heat is felt particularly acutely. Air-conditioning saves from the cold, but not wet. And the whole house resembles a sponge soaked in cold water.

7. Individual boiler for each apartment.

Centralized hot water either. On the roof are solar panels that heat the water for each apartment individually. Plus electric boilers. By the way, the water at the tap is never iced. Depending on the season of cold water from the tap can be warm, cool or chilly.

8. Security Room. The safety of citizens in Israel - the main concern of the state, so in all potentially dangerous areas of the country in the back of the apartment there is a room where the family can take shelter during the shelling.

9. Window system with Triss.

The window consists of a grid from insects, Triss from the sun and, in fact, glass. Blinds and curtains, incidentally, is also not common.

10. Apartment sizes. Apartments are either very small or large in the entire floor. In Israel, large families with many children and very expensive housing. Therefore, if people get into a mortgage for a few generations, then buy apartments with 5-6-th rooms and more. Small 1-2 bedroom apartments built under the material removal.

It looks like a typical apartment in which lives an Israeli. From Europe sometimes brought new trends, but due to the hot climate and mentality survives not all. Maybe I'm missing something and you have something to add to the list of the Israeli housing? Or some fact you particularly impressed, pleased or disappointed? Share your thoughts in the comments.

p.s .:Subscribeper channelMy house- all the most important, useful, interesting is yet to come!Everyone can share their experience in the construction, repair and improvement of housing, suburban area, send photos, tell me about your country, house, apartment.

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