Price of construction or repair of a country house
One of the fundamental factors in the planning of the construction and / or repair of a holiday home, apartments, installation, repair or engineering systems equipping suburban area, of course, is cost. Today we want to talk a little about pricing in the country construction (repair), analyze popular market offers and to pay attention to some marketing ploy, which are companies in the pursuit of orders.
So, let's begin. There are two truths which, in our opinion, characterize tsennoobrazovaniya issues in general and the pricing suburban construction and renovation in particular, namely:
1. Cheap, is not good!
2. For reliability it is necessary to pay, and for its absence - to pay!
Against this, in principle, it would be possible to finish, because any sensible person these truths are clear and understandable, but still consider a little more about what we mean.
1. Features of the national repair
Let's start with the analysis of the actual situation that occurred recently. We went to the same object, where the customer would need to perform a complete reconstruction of the house, which is called "turn-key", namely:
- perform the strengthening of the foundation;
- to provide a bearing (!!!) on the foundation of the house, because during operation, deforamtsy, shrinkage and other processes, the actual bearing on the foundation of the house provided dot... Somewhere planted blocks, where some of these bricks are made on the bars that are partially supported joists, and columns themselves have destroyed or destroyed;
- perform a complete reconstruction of the floor, due to the fact that the floor joists laid in spans a length of 6 m, without additional support, represent a sort of trampoline;
- to enable the reconstruction of the sexes, the dismantling of all the partitions on the first floor and in general, in principle, to release the first floor of obstructions;
- the dismantling of the roof, roof system and intermediate floors in connection with the fact that the contract customer for 3 years (!!!) reworks the whole thing, because the performance of work not provided by the rigidity of the power structures, as well as the tightness of the roofing cover;
- accordingly, after dismantling the structures of the second floor, to perform its new building, and then perform interior and exterior, as well as to mount all engineering systems.
By the way, the reconstruction of the object was a wooden structure dimensions of 9.5 x 9.5 meters Here are a few photos from the facility.:
In other words, the complex reconstruction should be performed on a total area of approximately 180 m2. The process of work has been divided into stages. The first stage included reconstruction of the foundation, including the provision of high-grade bearing the crown on the foundation, floor repairs first floor, including the dismantling and reassembly of all barriers, dismantling, installation of furniture and furnish a room "under the key".
2. How much is the repair / reconstruction of a country house?
We continue consideration of the formation of the cost of the repair / reconstruction of a country house in the above example. To figure out trick you or not, when calculating the total cost of the work, to do what? That's right, you need to focus on the average rates. How to do it? Very simple! First you need to determine the baseline cost of new construction, offers market participants in their homes about the same surface area and structure.
To do this, you can go, for example, on the website of our partners, select the constructive and the approximate area of the house.
It is evident that the cost of building a two-storey house with a total area of 180 m2, an average of 2.65 million rubles. Draw your attention to (!!!): construction costs not "turnkey", but only "boxes" - that is, without any engineering systems. The only thing that will be done - it is embedded under the inputs and outputs of utilities.
Knowing the average cost of a new construction home, you can determine the cost of a new building 1 m2. By simple calculations we see that the average cost of 1 m2 of new construction of a frame house with a total area of 180 m2, is 14 722 rubles / m2.
Do not forget that is the price new construction! Those. excluding dismantling of existing structures, the cost of which is usually 30-50% of the value of works on new construction. Thus, taking a ratio of 1.4 for dismantling, it is possible to obtain an average value of the repair / reconstruction holiday home, which will be: 20 611 rub / m2.
Here we want to draw your attention to two important points: first - it's indicative figures, designed to determine the required order of the budget, which is necessary to have when planning the repair and / or reconstruction holiday home. The final cost is always individual and is formed only as a result of the development of detailed estimates for a particular object. The second point, again - this does NOT include the cost of improvement of engineering systems! Only "box" to finish.
If we add the cost of installation of engineering systems (water supply, drainage, electrical, plumbing, heating) then again, focusing on the average statistical indicators that make up 3500 rubles / m2, you get 24 111 rubles / m2. It remains to add transportation costs, which is nearly 10%. We obtain the total cost of repair and / or reconstruction of 1 m2 of a country house, which is: 26 500 rubles / m2.
Let's look more closely, what is included in the price expressed above:
- materials and components;
- the dismantling of building structures;
- work to repair / reconstruction, re-installation of building structures;
- work on the technical supervision of the Contractor;
- fare;
- the costs of setting up and operating power during execution of works;
- profit construction company.
Based on the identified items of expenditure, the customer can review the options for saving by doing, for example, part of the work on their own or with the help of cheap labor under the personal control. Other options simply do not have. As no surprise, but unfortunately, the customers, especially those who for the first time facing the construction site, consider that entrusting the execution of works "children in the street", will offer a minimum price, they (customers) will receive high-quality result. Again - it does not happen! The real way to save on construction and / or repair of a holiday home, we looked at earlier: Only in this way and not the other way - either you take the execution of the works and, for example, supply of materials, to themselves or to pay for the execution of these works in full.
With the cost of repair and / or reconstruction of the country houses are more or less sorted out. If you suddenly have questions, they can ask through the comment form located at the end of each article or on our forum. We proceed to consider the formation of the cost of new construction.
3. Features of nation-building
To determine the average cost of a new construction of holiday homes, should define the parameters under which research is conducted. By virtue of our direction, we propose to take the following initial parameters:
- constructive house: carcass;
- Operation: year-round;
- destination: the place of residence;
- Dimensions of the house: 8h9 m.
- foundation of the house: a tape or pile, necessarily insulated;
- floors first floor: thickness 200 mm, 200 mm expanded polystyrene insulation;
- intermediate floors: thickness 200 mm, insulation of mineral wool insulation slab 200 mm;
- walls, gables: thickness 200 mm + crossover external insulation 50 mm. Insulation - polystyrene;
- truss system: thickness 150 mm, insulation of expanded polystyrene or mineral wool insulation 150 mm.
- Finish: inside - wall paneling, outside - imitation of timber 160h20 mm, roof - metal.
- engineering systems: not considered.
As can be seen from the given parameters - would like nothing special, but should pay attention to the following points and keep track of them when planning new construction, choosing your future holiday home sites Building companies:
1. Insulation of the basement - is not mandatory, but is highly desirable. If it is not done, regardless of the thickness of the floor, you will enjoy the cold emanating from it;
2. Despite the fact that the minimum thickness of the SNP is provided in the walls climatic zone Moscow and Moscow Region 150 mm but experience has shown that the operating costs of heating homes with such thick walls is very high in the cold of the year. The minimum wall thickness that operates in practice is 200 mm or more;
3. Practice has shown that in addition to the floors, is essential insulation roof system, as well as cross the outer insulation, to avoid possible heat loss.
4. Glazing homes must be at least two chamber - it works more or less, and a three-chamber works very well.
5. The obligatory presence of the input group of so-called "cold vestibule."
These are the main points that you should pay attention when choosing a project frame holiday home. And now let's see what offers us the market. For example, a screenshot of the page site of one of the development companies, with a proposal to build a frame house in the base (open by default) 8h9m dimensions:
Excellent suggestion! Proposed construction is almost 150 m2 total area along with pictures of 960 000 rubles. But take a closer look packaging (basic !!!):
- when the thickness of the floor 190 mm, laid 50 mm (!!!) of mineral wool insulation, which most certainly fed with moisture evaporates from the subgrade and will not work. The thickness of the insulation also raises questions.
- intermediate floor also provides insulation thickness of 50 mm with the total thickness of the floor structure of 178 mm;
- the walls of the first floor structure with the total thickness of 170 mm, insulated with mineral wool to a thickness of 150 mm. Cross of external insulation is not provided;
- gables of the second floor, when the total thickness of the building structure 170 mm, 50 mm insulated with mineral wool;
- interior walls are not insulated and not soundproof at all.
Thus, even this brief analysis of the "base set" shows that the construction of the proposed option It can be operated only in the warm time of the year and will not sustain even a small spring-autumn negative temperatures. Rather constructively of course survive, but the operating costs for its heating are just huge because besides the fact that the thickness of the insulation is not sufficient, because even he stowed so that the actual contour of the house turns tube, where in the central part of the insulation is practically absent, and the walls are insulated in part to the minimum necessary for SNIP thickness.
Let's look further. With the "basic equipment" of the house, we hope, clear. We choose the maximum pack configuration of the same house:
Here is closer to the truth, but also the price of the holiday house is far from being 960 thousand rubles, and almost 1.6 million rubles! Note that in this configuration is as amplification-factor and an increase in insulation thickness, but as we noted above, it is proposed in this case, the thickness insulation - is the minimum acceptable value of 150 mm, as determined by SNP, in practice it does not work and maintenance on the heating costs are still quite high.
Thus, to determine the real cost of building a country house, we take as the basic cost, the above price of the house in the maximum configuration (1 600 000 rubles) and add to it 30% - this is the cost of bringing constructive elements and the thickness of the insulation to the indicators that work in our environment (marked higher). Thus we get around: 2.08 million rubles. Now we give the value of new construction to 1m2. We obtain: 14 444,00 rub / m2. As you can see, the real cost of the new construction of holiday homes for year-round useIn both our calculations coincide almost penny to penny, and the initial prices were taken from completely different sources. For the purpose of averaging the cost of new construction country house will take it 14 500 rubles / m2. On this figure should be guided in choosing a project and then ordering the construction of holiday homes in construction companies in Moscow and Moscow region. All that is offered cheaper - nothing more than a marketing ploy that compensates the customer or in the construction process or during subsequent operation.
Now we define the cost of new construction "turnkey", ie adding to the cost of construction, cost of installation of engineering systems, which on average amounts to 3500 rubles / m2. We get 18 000 rubles / m2.
Summarize. According to the results of our small study, the following figures are defined:
- the costcomplex repair and / or reconstruction of a country houseIncluding materials and components is as follows:26 500 rubles / m2. As a side note: there is meant a global alteration or repair of the house.
—the cost of new construction frame holiday homeDesigned for a comfortable year-round operation, is as follows:18 000 rubles / m2Including materials and components.
It is at these figures should be guided in planning the budget for new construction, a comprehensive repair and / or reconstruction of a country house. But once again draw your attention to - the figures indicative of what is called "the middle of the hospital" and are intended to determine the budget procedure in the planning work. A final cost of construction, repair, reconstruction of country houses, installation of engineering systems or the arrangement of suburban areas, is determined only by the results of development a detailed budget calculation for a particular object, taking into account all the individual characteristics of construction and / or repair work, mode of operation at the facility, as well as all the logistics chain. In one of the following press releases we will discuss budget planning on finishing the holiday home.
Thank you for your attention and look forward to seeing you among our customers!