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Benefits and harms of digging the ground at the site

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Benefits and harms of digging the ground in the area | Garden Garden
Benefits and harms of digging the ground in the area | Garden Garden

The holiday season is finally coming to an end, and the majority in the garden has become empty beds, which means it's time to prepare the ground for the new season to improve its fertility.

One of these procedures is the autumn digging the soil, which has both pluses and minuses. Let's examine them in detail.


  • primarily digging makes the soil more friable and soft, which is good for the growth of plants;
  • digging excellent protection from weeds, preventing them from growing in the autumn;
  • oxygen saturates soil moisture, improving the quality of the soil;
  • while digging the garden, many are added to the ground manure and other organic fertilizers, thus increasing the fertility of the soil for the next season;


  • it is hard physical labor that the strength is not each summer residents and a big load on his back;
  • digging the soil under the trees could harm the root system of the trees;
  • some poor soil is better not to dig, as this will increase the weathering of nutrients, which are so little in these soils;
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In general, autumn digging quite important and useful procedure for the garden, but some types of soil have to spend it carefully. Tell me in the comments, and you dig your garden in the fall?

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