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Modern house with wooden beams and glass

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We all know that progress does not stand still, so most people who come to me for advice on the construction of houses, decided to choose an unusual inherently fachwerk technology. Technology Framework - this is not a new concept, which originated more than 600 years ago, but what does it consist of? Well, the principle of fachwerk - this is certainly an emphasis on 3D. Here increasingly tough and balanced, but at the same time in harmony, that is, half-timbered, in principle, is rather peculiar and Not everyone might like, but those who enjoy during the 19th century, along with the addition of modern designs, are simply delighted.

Old half-timbered houses in Germany.
Old half-timbered houses in Germany.

One of the most modern techniques, which is almost always like everything - the use of beams with glazing. What is special about this design? First of all, it is, of course, panoramic view. Here, the special charm is just the same in the glass elements, that is, some of the houses from the inside at all are made of glass elements, such as the floor. This is a very interesting idea, but it also requires a great deal of cost and care to get high quality results.

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Modern Half-timbered houses
Modern Half-timbered houses

As for the bar, a bar is always made of strong natural materials that allow the whole structure to serve much longer. For example, the most suitable material becomes fir or spruce. Almost all the houses you want to use softwood, it is more durable and stronger demand in the market. In addition, data are protected from moisture breed.

The frame of laminated veneer lumber for the half-timbered houses
The frame of laminated veneer lumber for the half-timbered houses

If we talk about the general system, it is worth noting that for the whole house almost always choose the material, which will be the insulation, do not absorb moisture and provide a home and a lack of penetration of wind noise.

The most popular materials for the cladding are sandwich panels, which not only reinforce all the system, but also gives the whole construction more aesthetic appearance. As for the glass, you can use any glass suitable for the form of construction of the house. It is very convenient, because the houses in this style will stand out and will last you much longer. The most important thing - not to deviate from the architectural project, and then you'll have to build the perfect home that will please the eye of any one year.

Half-timbered house
Half-timbered house

I'm sure you will enjoy this information and you want to build a structure in the style of their own.

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