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Secrets of a Successful smoked

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What to do with a catch - the question for the successful angler is never idle. Not everyone is so fry cook soup. many users FORUMHOUSE perfectly mastered all the nuances of smoked fish - both hot and cold. Today, they share secrets smoked. This option is easier, and with the right approach gives a great result!

Even if you have plenty of good smokehouse - not the fact that you immediately turn right and delicious. You should be able to smoke, success comes with experience, and some forum users a lot of products transferred before cumeli this experience to accumulate and share it with others.

Pustoshanka (User FORUMHOUSE):
- Make a smokehouse out of the barrel of 200 liters. At the bottom of the barrel is filled chips (we alder), is located just above the middle of the grille reinforcement (about 10 mm and 8 mm). On top of the neck close burlap to avoid the smoke. On burlap - wooden shield. Barrel itself stands on the bricks below it to make a fire. Still needs to be zhirosbornik between bars and chips, but has not yet done. For two years, use and content.
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The method, as you can see, quite simple but very popular - old metal drums are almost all suburban areas. However, many of such an option seems cumbersome, and they prefer a more compact smokehouse, which on occasion can take with you on a picnic or fishing.

TimyCh It tells the story of a simple, but works fine method for manufacturing a smokehouse out of the bucket:

- Take a clean metal bucket with a lid, the wire 3 mm thick metal bars 8-10 mm thick. Take care of the wood. Suitable raw and alder and birch bark, twigs by pruning the fall of fruit trees. From rods make two rings, which are then set in the bucket: the bottom - one-third the height from the bottom and the top - by two-thirds. Braided wire rings, that a grid. Now prepare the fish: disembowel, rinse, rub with salt and ventilate for half an hour in the air, then tie with string. Put the pieces of wood on the bottom, then the bottom ring with the fish, then the top ring - and it is also the fish, cover and hang the bucket over the fire. After 40 minutes the fish prokoptitsya.

The choice of the smoker - not the most difficult thing, it all depends on opportunities. Some people prefer ready to "shop" units, someone makes himself - in the course are metal boxes of different sizes, served their plates. Special chic - medical sterilizers cylindrical stainless steel.

Another thing - the process that has a lot of subtleties. What sawdust or twigs to use? Experienced forum users know that in any case - no conifers! This is guaranteed to disastrous results. And aspen will not taste good. The best wood gives a taste of fruit trees. Very good at it, if you smoke at the cherry, apple, sea buckthorn. After the autumn crop in the garden plots, many participants of the forum with the raw material is no problem. However, there many are advised to act with caution: the bark from branches for smoking is not good, it gives bitterness.

What kind of fish to choose - is not the easiest question. But, by the way, it is not necessary to be lucky angler, from time to time to pamper yourself smoked fish. With great success, and you can smoke purchase mackerel or mackerel, it makes forumchanin Vadim K .:

- Of mackerel fish advise. It turns out very juicy and fragrant. Clean the fish from the intestines, add salt and pepper. At the bottom "cherished box" throw handful (small, but it will taste bitter) chips fruit trees (sold ready to use mixture written "sawdust for smoking"). Fine sawdust does not take it, it is necessary chips (chips). You can add a little juniper (for an amateur). Lay the fish - and not strong fire for 30-40 minutes. Willingness to feel the smell. Pretty well trout or salmon. Other species of fish or fatty or dryish.

However, there are other opinions about the fish. Many successfully smoked walleye and perch, say - get beyond praise. Others go to the smokehouse Freshly caught pike and carp - and also leaves very tasty.

Any fish before smoking should lie in a prepared state, ie, rubbed with salt and spices to soak up the a their flavor, and give to drain the excess moisture, which expels salt - so advises forumchanin ovbelyaev. Before laying the wick lamp in the product it is necessary to dry or wipe it should be unsaturated, or the same fish will be cooked, but not smoked. Fish only need to gut and clean off the scales it is not necessary.

ovbelyaev(User FORUMHOUSE):
- Cover the smoker should fit snugly to the body of the box, otherwise, instead of smoking get burning. Actual becomes reusable after smokehouse - metal warp. I put the lid on top of the brick. In general, you can experiment with smoked. For example, four years ago after a five-fishing remains zhivtsov bucket - small fry (bleak, roach, gusterka, ruffs, etc.) that have been gutted, salted and sent to the smokehouse... mmm, Yum! And before the neighbor cats gave ...

Usually ovbelyaev buys finished mixture of alder wood chips, but sometimes added freshly cut threads bird cherry or neighboring trimming apple and other fruit trees. Branches previously exempt from the bark and splits them with a knife, and if the branch freshly cut - gives lie-dry in the sun. Branches better add it to the base (chips). When mixing different of chips (e.g., bird cherry apple +) sometimes bitter product, so it is better not to mix different species of trees.


- The fish is eviscerated, remove the entrails and gills, scales are not purged, I salt (salt rubs on the outside and inside) save for an hour prosolitsya-dry. Then I charge wick lamp, and on the fire. As of oil lamps slots went smoke - I time. 20-25 minutes - and take out the finished smoked fish. Fish like most smoked eel. Pike to 3 kg gentle turns, like chicken. Oil lamp in my homemade 40h20h20 cm, stainless steel. Two grids. He has been living for 30 years.

And, of course, smoked fish alone forum users are not limited to - the course is and chicken, and meat, such as pork neck. Salo - also a very popular product for our oil lamps.

The oil lamp a_b pretty well the chicken, but the smoking should be increased. Lean pig out too well, but here it is necessary to experiment with modes of smoking. Remove the meat from the oil lamp, the cutting knife - if the dish is not ready yet podkinte chips in the oil-lamp and bring to readiness.

Ovbelyaev like chicken and pork neck, laced with garlic and spices. It pours chips 1/3 or 1/2 (as the hand tremble) the distance from the bottom tier. Takes a piece neck size from 800 grams to kilograms, bacon slices cut garlic in falling asleep punctures salt and spices, daubed composition of spices and salt gives soak. Punctures making only the top and sides - from punctures from below will drain the fat from the veins. smoking time is usually no more than 50-60 minutes. The main thing - to chips from dripping salsa has not ignited, and for this we need to make sure that the lid is tightly pressed.

The basic principle of smoking is that at the optimum heating timber is non-flammable, and it decays, releasing a large amount of smoke. Here the most important thing - to maintain the correct temperature, being careful not to raise it to chips, sawdust or twigs not charred or Sunbathing, highlighting the health harmful products of combustion and making your fish, lard or chicken tasteless and unprofitable, if not dangerous to health.

At home, in the absence of special thermometers to find their way to smoking can only empirically. Many "first attempt" of the smoker leaves a lump, but from the second and third times the products obtained and in appearance - feast for the eyes and taste - Yum. Copts, by the way, it is possible not only in the "garden-marching" conditions, but in a city apartment. To do this, there are electric smoker or units adapted for installation on the electric stove. The roofs of these smokehouses are arranged tightly, so do not worry about that, along with fish or bacon you prokoptite even their homes.

Other no less valuable tips hot smoked and a variety of recipes for smoked different products discussed in this topic forum. To learn how to make a simple, but effective stationary smokehouse for a suburban area or a country house, you can read - at least a useful story about the different types of wood fuel, including, and wood, which can and should be used for smoking. And in this video - a great master class in cooking the meat in hot smokehouse. Try! On a more complex cold smoking talk another time.

Discuss the article and read other materials devoted to country life you can on the websiteFORUMHOUSE.

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