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Boards of the formwork. As I spent more then to save?

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For a person who builds a house he, The question of economy is not the last place. And these savings options are different.

  • It is possible to buy cheaper, but at once.
  • And you can take the more expensive, but it is better that you will find useful not once.

This choice was in front of me when I was going to do the formwork for the foundation of his house.

Actually, I think, in things responsible, The question of economy should retreat to the latest plan. Especially if you do something for the first time. According to this principle, I decided to do when choosing the material for the manufacture of formwork.

The article (Formwork for the foundation. As one head replaces many hands), I described in detail the process and all the innovative solutions that have helped me in this matter. And different opinions written comments to me.

  • Someone thinks that the formwork can be made from waste found in landfills.
  • Some advised to use a 40 mm thick board with a wire tie.

The same opinion, I saw when I was just going to do everything. And when choosing the main criteria I set for myself

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structural reliability, which is exactly stand mixer with the concrete pouring.

And here I decided to take a good board, but with the expectation of using them for other purposes after use in the formwork. Ie I was spending more now to avoid paying later.

But it all turns out perfectly in practice?

Of course I defended shuttering boards from the inside by means of the film, but do not take into account that during concrete pouringPart may leak out through the edges.

EventuallyAll my good boards covered with a crust on the outside of the cement, which not only spoil yourself board, but did not allow carefully disassemble the formwork (unscrew the screws, which are all fastened).Mostly I had to use a sledgehammer and a claw hammer.

So when I make out I did not expect that this to me something useful. But, surprisingly, all of the board remained intact, screws escaped from them as nails without breaking anything. :)

And then it hit me.

I had forgotten that the construction of the walls and roof of the house I need forests and rough flooring, for temporary use. These things are not all treated in costs during constructionThough here it is necessary to spend money.

Here are my dirty, but strong and reliable the board will be useful at the time.

Of course now, already having their experience and after manufacture formwork, and after the concrete is poured, I understand, that could be used and cheaper board (not first and second class), which have some defects, but the strength is not good yield.

But doing something for the first time it is impossible to think everything through to the last detailAnd, it seems to me better to be safe. Especially, though not at a construction site, and on his farm all as a useful yes definitely.

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