Proper installation of sockets and switches
When repairing a flat or country house often have to endure sockets and switches "to fit their needs": closer to the technology or the entrance of the room. On the one hand, it is possible to follow the requirements of the joint venture and the SAE, the other - to comply with their own needs. Together, let us try to find a balance between their own desires and requirements.
Sockets (European standard)
According to the European standard sockets in apartments and houses should be at a low height: 20-30 cm from the floor. With this arrangement, they do not spoil the look of the apartment and leave free a large part of the wall.
Kitchen European standard sockets provides lifting to a height of 120-130 cm from the floor. The minimum distance from the outlet to the gas tube - 50 cm.
European standard requires the use of protective shutters on the wall socket if the children live in the apartment.
The optimum distance from the door to the bathroom box outlet - at least 60 cm to the door frame in an ordinary room - 50 cm.
This will protect the process of replacement of the door frame in the future.
In Soviet times, it switches traditionally placed at shoulder level. It is unknown why... In all European standards as well: an adult should turn on / off the light in the standing position and without raising his hands.
Recommended height of the switch from the floor - 90 cm.
Harsh Soviet rule.
In the USSR, sockets were placed at a height of 90 cm above the floor level, and switches - 160-170 cm. It was believed that at this altitude home
animals can not damage electrical wires.