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How to prepare the wall for wallpapering

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When repairing people often face problems related to the unavailability of the walls for wallpapering. If pokleit wallpaper can practically everyone, the training area under the force is not everything.

How to prepare the wall for wallpapering
How to prepare the wall for wallpapering

The most important conditions for such repair work is to observe the temperature - in the repaired room temperature must be above five degrees. Also in the room there should be no drafts, especially when drying glue. Pasting wallpaper must be carried out only on the prepared wall.

Preparing walls pasting wallpaper

The first thing to get rid of old wallpaper. In the case where the wallpaper does not want to lag behind the wall, you need to use hot water for their disintegration. Typically, removal of wet wallpaper is made without much effort, but it may be some scraps. To remove them you can use a spatula or nazhdachku.

The walls should be cleaned of all, even the smallest pieces of wallpaper, otherwise they will be seen as a new bright wallpaper and under the dark.

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If there is oil on the wall with glue paint or chalk, they should be removed. This is done much easier than it seems.

If there are walls on which the applied oil paint, you can leave everything in its place. You can just wash them well and allow to dry. It is important that there were no peeling, cracks, bulges air. The presence of these defects implies sweep surface.

Repair market has not yet started selling wallpaper that would be able to hold onto the chalk coating or adhesive paint. Chalk whitewash must be removed with a spatula, after which the walls are washed. For this purpose can be used the usual broad brush or a rag. Adhesive paint is washed off similarly, but with great effort. acetic acid or hydrochloric acid can be used to facilitate the process.

Prepare Drywall is done much easier. It is important to pay attention to the joints. They should be glued paper strips and stopper, after which they dry and are stripped.

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