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Features 3D paving slabs

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Paving tiles, made by 3D technology, it is manufactured in the same way as conventional paving. That is, used for the production of a solution of sand, cement and water plus mineral supplements. For thicker consistency add gravel.

The only difference is applied to the upper surface of the 3D image. The picture may be general or individual character. In the latter case, it may be any family photograph or image of the house.

To color image was fixed on the surface as it should, it is necessary to apply a special composition. Furthermore, a protective layer is effective against the adverse effects of atmospheric phenomena. Paving slabs - reliable coverage, wear resistance, abrasion resistance.

The main advantages of tile

The decision to order the correct 3D paving tiles, because this coating has a number of advantages:

- On the surface of the tiles can be applied to any image. This capability opens up creative thinking, imagination;
- Large range of options tiles;
- Possible forms of paving slabs, starting from the square and ending with a pentagonal or hexagonal;
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- Unlimited scope: rural and urban streets, parks, home gardens, house, track in gardens;
- No costly production, and therefore available to the end price for the consumer.

Production technology

Very often in the construction of country objects to cover the tracks and paths used is paving tiles. A 3D technology makes it possible to vary its appearance, filling the surrounding atmosphere of uniqueness and originality.

Technology sidewalk tile production is quite simple. To start preparing the concrete mix which is poured into preformed molds which may vary in size and type.

The most important nuance in the production - a drawing of the image. The coating should have as a result a stable against mechanical and weather exposure, have slip properties, which is a positive quality, particularly in rainy weather. It should not burn in the sun, wear off.

Paving tile is durable and practical. Its average lifespan is 50 years. It can be easily dismantled, if required construction at the site.

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