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Installation of PVC windows. 4 gently break the old frame

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Picture 1.
Picture 1.

Break the frame, of course, anyone can, but do it with a minimum of waste and not easy without destroying the slopes. Usually guys installers do not lisp with the owners, and the hammer punch to the full.

Preservation of EQA - one of the reasons why the window and decided to put himself in the order that you see.
Picture 2.
Picture 2.

When removing the old sashes main helpers - mount and a hammer. Lifted the crowbar, he slapped, if necessary, and flew off. All sash jumped more or less normally. Afraid to do the frame due to disrepair in the hands and glass was scattered not covered, but nothing happened.

Picture 3.
Picture 3.

Window Lutkov shoot harder than the leaf. In order not to batter much slope, one sidewall cut the jigsaw, that was the most difficult moment. It was possible hacksaw to cut, but through the cut would not work, and slope break would have stronger. Then he went to the mount to delay the board from the wall and then break off them in a circle.

Picture 4.
Picture 4.

The last deleted Lutkov lower part, and then proceeded to the window sill. Since the edges of it imbedded in the ditch, the bottom should be part of the plaster was still cut down, and then hammer on the end of the street from the window sill managed to gradually dislodge and remove. With him somehow make the bench.

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Photo 5.
Photo 5.

Shes surprised timber in state Lutkov. It is all well and prosmolena-looking like new, so have stood still for at least 30 years. From the slope ripped a linen bag, which zakonopachivali frame. he, too, is in excellent condition, it is a pity that it is not purified, and then reeling in the joints would have taken.

Photo 6.
Photo 6.

Then I proceed to repair concrete bridge outside of the window opening, which for a long time began to crumble. This is another reason for self-installation.

Will restore the jumper to install windows.

Evaluate material andsign upCanal.

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