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What materials oblitsevat inside balcony

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Interior decoration balcony fundamentally important because it is responsible for both the design of this part of the property, and for its practicality. With high quality and suitable materials can be done inside a beautiful balcony, and at the same time enhance its thermal and sound insulation. If the owner has set itself the task of conducting internal furnishing balcony, he can use different materials. Below are the most successful.

1. Plastic siding for balcony

Another material may be mentioned a plastic lining. This product, which is produced in the form of narrow width panels having Paso-comb system. It is worth inexpensive material, he is not afraid of moisture and sunlight. Work with the product is extremely simple, moreover, it is available in different designs. In plastic siding level thermal and acoustic insulation is not sufficiently strong, it is desirable to use together with an insulating layer.

2. Wood paneling for balcony

In principle, the material is similar to the previous one, but is made from natural wood. It is able to some extent to increase thermal and acoustic insulation of walls. Wooden wall paneling is different environmental cleanliness, its appearance can be easily changed, if necessary, if you put the paint or varnish. But, as is clear wooden paneling more expensive plastic.

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3. Wall panels for balcony

This is a large group of materials, which include plastic products, wood, chipboard, MDF and so on. A common feature is that the wall panels have a width of more impressive, which can reach 50 cm. Work with the product is simple. Sheathing conducted quickly, it does not require from the owner a serious effort. Panels of wood or wood-based panels are more successful, because endowed with good insulation. But plastic is cheaper, can mimic other facing materials.

4. Wall tiles for balcony

Here we are talking primarily about the ceramic and stoneware tiles. It is reliable, but it is heavy and expensive. Therefore, instead of the classic materials can be used cork tiles or vinyl. Tiles, cork is especially practical and interesting looks. According to the level of isolation is even better than wood.

Stoned balcony suitable material, the owner significantly increase its feasibility, as well as provide a comfortable environment. We just need to focus on the right product, and then properly carry out its installation.

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