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Remote control buttons do not work? 15 minutes and everything is OK!

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No matter how you harvest, the buttons do not work? Or does not answer only one button? Or maybe the problem will appear and disappear from the remote control? In these "symptoms" is not one reason, but the most common and easy to handle - clogging of the inner surface of the keypad and the electronic board.

About clogged and damaged recently I wrote in the article as replace the valve toilet tank, perhaps you're wondering.

Yes, my friends, is not easy to find a new device or search for it have no time and money, so let's see how it was possible to revive the panel from the TV-top boxes, flawlessly served 5 years. Thus you can try to restore any remote distressed buttons, of course, if they do not poprovalivalis inside.

My father tried to correct himself the instrument, but as it turned out, the shell is not a single screw, so he could not make it. But how then to be? We try to find out.

1. The rear panel remove the cover, take out the batteries and look to see if the screw is hidden there.

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If the screws are not present, then the answer is simple: the body panel is assembled on the internal latches located on the sides or at the ends. But it happens that they are here and there.
Near the left edge of the latch hook visible in 1 cm long.
Near the left edge of the latch hook visible in 1 cm long.

2. Next, we will head screwdriver or knife. I used an ordinary knife and found the two latches on each side. I began to open the console, and with it rained debris. Be ready and to this!

3. Under the hood was waiting for the picture shown below. Oddly enough, but no one in the family does not know where in the console so much fluid. He closed tightly, the whole panel with buttons and with no holes. We thought maybe the battery ran down and swim all that likely. But the elongated body of the batteries are safe-tselohonki and dry, so it remains a mystery.

The accumulation of moisture and dirt is seen across the keypad surface.
The accumulation of moisture and dirt is seen across the keypad surface.
A blockage here can be seen even better.
A blockage here can be seen even better.

4. When looked at the board with the other electrical components in the lid, they found about the same picture - a drop of moisture and dirt. Then gently pull the card held by another pair of small latches.

Drops of brown liquid, there are on-board.
Drops of brown liquid, there are on-board.

5. Since keypad monolithic and only inserted into the body, it was possible to remove and rinse well with warm water and detergent without difficulty. Any suitable, do not hesitate. Vodichku made somewhere 30-35 degrees. Then wiped dry with a cloth and all laid out to dry.

The buttons can be safely submerged in water, give a little bit of dirt shall be melted and then rinse.
The buttons can be safely submerged in water, give a little bit of dirt shall be melted and then rinse.

6. It was the turn card. To minimize the risks of damage, it was decided to take an ordinary cotton wool and remove all the dirt with its help.

Obvious difference after washing and rubbing the buttons board. Compare with images above.
Obvious difference after washing and rubbing the buttons board. Compare with images above.

7. All having dried thoroughly and wiping, left to collect the details back. It is not difficult, but you need to check whether all fell into place. In my case, a spring holding the "+" battery discreetly popped inside the body, so we had more time to disassemble it.

Here is a spring that ran out. Before closing the covers, check that both contacts of batteries in place.
Here is a spring that ran out. Before closing the covers, check that both contacts of batteries in place.
This console, the console from which it was necessary to revive.
This console, the console from which it was necessary to revive.

All these actions took about 15-20 minutes. As a result, remote I earned as good as new, and I was once again convinced that the repairs with their own hands have nothing to fear!

If you, too, were able to solve similar problems on the remote control without any professional assistance, please share your experiences in the comments. Also I will be grateful for the Huskies and SUBSCRIPTION Canal.

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