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Attractive beige kitchen hruschevke (6.9 m2) with red accents

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Today we want to show you a lovely kitchen in treshke Khrushchev - a vivid example of the fact that even in malogabaritki can make the perfect interior.

Residents before repair hired designer. Author of the project: Vasilina Sheremeta

Here is what she wrote about the designer of this order:

"Given: two-bedroom apartment in a five-storey apartment for a young family of two people (so far). It was necessary to design a nursery, a living room for gatherings with friends, two jobs (in different rooms).
One of the major wishes of customers were - the maximum preservation of partitions and all of the existing situation. But the kitchen is so small (only 6 m), I managed to convince her to expand a little bit. "

Kitchen expanded from 6 m2 to 6.9 m2 by a small septum shift. On the plan is clearly visible.

The original plan of the apartment:

Photo by Vasilina Sheremet, source:
Photo by Vasilina Sheremet, source:

Plan after partition migration:

Photo by Vasilina Sheremet, source:
Photo by Vasilina Sheremet, source:

Kitchen has turned out of the cute and designer well-thought all storage systems.

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Residents like bright colors for the interior of the apartment. Shades chose warm. But that was not at all boring and banal, the designer was asked to add some bright accents.

Here's a little kitchen designed by the author:

Photo by Vasilina Sheremet, source:
Photo by Vasilina Sheremet, source:

Leading shades - beige and white. On the walls of waterproof paint, laminate floor, which goes right in the living room.

Working areas had to be divided into two sides - the solution seemed more optimal than making furniture corner, leaving a small space for passage.

Photo by Vasilina Sheremet, source:
Photo by Vasilina Sheremet, source:

In the main working area is a sink and a stove.

Color kitchen fronts with white wood worktop. Lockers are made under the ceiling and look not cumbersome.

Apron used pretty tiles with patterns.

On the opposite side - a couple of the lower cabinets and built-in refrigerator. The upper cabinets hanging here were not by open shelves.

In the middle of the window is a dining area - a square white table and chairs with backs.

It is interesting that the kitchen makes the red color accents. There are not many - ceiling lamps, paintings on the wall, something some dishes. But this is enough to revive the interior and does not overwhelm his moody red.

Photo by Vasilina Sheremet, source:
Photo by Vasilina Sheremet, source:

Some might say that is inconvenient to rush from side to side of the plate to the fridge. I have no problem in that I do not see. In my opinion - everything is quite convenient and the area by the window seems to be free, not sandwiched, as it often happens in the Khrushchev kitchens.

Advice from the designer:

Red is a very powerful and intense effect on a person. It can cause anxiety, and it is not recommended to use in the interiors of residential spaces in a large amount. But as it is a small accents can accentuate the style and make it more expressive.

If you want a lot of red in his house, think carefully before you implement idea. Chances are good that you will very quickly get tired of this situation.

Photo by Vasilina Sheremet, source:
Photo by Vasilina Sheremet, source:

The color palette of the kitchen is very nice and cozy. patchwork tile blends well with the color of the walls. White facades and white table refresh the room. On the window Roman blinds, which are also great "fit" in the interior style.

Very beautiful kitchenette came. What do you think, like it or not?

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