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We bought a farmhouse of 5000 dollars

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Author: Elena Vereshchagin."Please send your articles and you, and we will publish them!"

We take the same course, the house is much more comfortable and healthier to live in.

Good to have a house, if you are not alone and there are a whole infrastructure. Throughout his life, he lived in the flats, looking at the inhabitants of private houses with envy.

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The experience of living in the house did not have any of the plants in the apartment grew only cactus, because the work was related to the tour. But I'm a man brave, decided to try.

And I never regretted his decision.

In the three years before retirement, I decided to buy a house. Moreover, he pushed me to this accident with his son, who after the injury needed air-quality environmentally-friendly food and plenty of vitamins.

At first, I picked up a house on the Mediterranean coast, went to Montenegro reached an agreement with a local realtor and returned to Moscow to sell the apartment. But fortunately, the friend dissuaded from doing so, because of the high cost of the flight, tax content and high food prices in the summer season.

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He advised me to go to Transnistria, where you can buy a rural house with a garden of 3000 5000 $That allows you to sell the apartment. And it was the right decision! For the past 14 years, the entire extended family comes to rest from different countries gather children and grandchildren.

Of course, in the house there is always something to do, always something to repair something, to build, to improve. Not to mention the area... But maybe it's for the best, do not sit on the couch, constantly on the move. And if you count how much the family spent on short-term stay in hotels, then your own home over the years themselves will be compensated.

And at the same time, I can always go back to the apartment, if you want to heal, to be examined or infirm old age will come and I can not take care of the house. I think by the time the children will retire and take advantage of my experience of life in the village.

Returning to the apartment, constantly tormented by a sense of space is closed and waiting with longing when I get back to the house.

We live on the salary of her husband, and my pension. And I earn. Apartments for delivery we have all spent at home.

If you are interested in any - any details or if you have an opinion, put Like and write a question in the comments!

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