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Breaking stereotypes: don't water tomatoes?

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- Ay, Pug, know she is strong that barks at an elephant!

I will leave this rhetorical question unanswered. To business!

For 200 years, tomatoes have been grown in Russia without any fancy, and now it is necessary, you know, to definitely try growing them in a greenhouse without watering. Because Galina Kizima said so. She's growing! 3-5 liters of water upon planting is enough! Mulch with a newspaper on top, and that's fine.

These are my cherries in the greenhouse, ripening (watered-fed), end of July 2020
These are my cherries in the greenhouse, ripening (watered-fed), end of July 2020

All the myths would have such followers!

Here is one of the gardeners and followed all the advice of Galina Kizima.

In the first year, the harvest in the greenhouse was superb. The neighbors looked and could not understand: why without watering the harvest is as beautiful as ever, not what they have. True, no one dared to repeat it.

And the next year, without watering in the greenhouse, many, many small-small tomatoes turned out. And the woman was perplexed: "Why?" She asked this question to specialists.

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Guess what the answer was? That tomatoes need water! And in the first year, the moisture was in the soil, and in the second it dried up.

And the source can dry up, not only the water in the greenhouse soil.

Another gardener caught herself in time, began to water, otherwise she would be left without a tomato harvest.

About logic

Awesome logic:

  • Since Galina Kizima's tomatoes find water, they will find it with me.
  • Tomatoes can have two-meter roots, which means there is water at a depth.

This, for example, I have a wallet, which means there is money in it, they can be there!

And this logic is already preached by many respected authors, and even simple followers... until they get hurt.

Or maybe “Giraffe is big-oh-oh, he knows better!”? - as V.V. Vysotsky.

I did not wrap the seedlings in diapers or deprive the tomatoes of water.

But the seeds of the peppers suffered from another advice from Galina Kizima: sow them to a depth of 3-4 cm. She sows like that!

I won't do it anymore. I only found unfortunate crooks during excavations, they did not make it through in a month! Maybe it sows light into the sandy soil, but in our purchased one it is necessary to deepen it by 2 cm so that there are no hats, and it ascended normally.

Well, it was a trifle, reseeded. Not a crop lost!

In my childhood, if someone wanted, like Olya and like Kolya, they said to him: "And if Olya (Kolya) will jump out of the window, you too?" And something reached our children's brains...

Have you tried growing tomatoes in a greenhouse without watering? Advise others to do the same?

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