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Is it realistic to get a free forest that every Russian is entitled to?

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Do you remember how Ostap Bender in the works of Ilf and Petrov used to say "These are all fairy tales for the poor"? So, it turns out that the free forest, which, according to the law, can be obtained by every Russian, is also "fairy tales for the poor." I'll tell you why.

I'll start with the main thing: according to article 30 of the Forest Code of the Russian Federation, every Russian has the right to 150 cubic meters of free forest.

In different regions, the situation with industrial forest is different, but the essence is the same - you will not be able to get the cherished cubic meters. Watch your hands, only dexterity and no cheating. Or vice versa.

Suppose you are building your own house and you need wood: for rafters, house cladding, or whatever. The first thing to do is contact your local forestry ministry. Better in writing.

The first snag. You will be given the contacts of the forestry, where you can cut the forest you need. But this forestry will most likely be on the very edge of your region, 300 kilometers from your city. Let's go further.

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The second snag. If a long journey does not upset you, then you will be saddened by the fact that you must cut down the trees allocated to you strictly according to the rules, you even need to collect sawdust! Naturally, the forester will not let him do it himself: we need a brigade of "own lumberjacks" (serious guys have serious business). And your free forest will rise in price by at least 1000 rubles / cubic meter.

You can't cut a tree like the guy in the video:

The third snag. The chopped wood must be transported back 300 km away, to your dacha. You hire a tractor and pay the driver about 25 thousand rubles. Feel like your free forest cube is getting more expensive?

The fourth snag. The not entirely free timber needs to be sawed: otherwise how can you use it? Another 1000-1500 rubles for each cube will be taken from you by the sawmill. Unpleasant, but necessary.

The fifth snag. The boards need to be dried and they will lose about 10-15% of their volume. That is, from your free 15 cubes a year there will be "just a little".

So, because of the bureaucracy, obstacles and ill-conceivedness, the legal right to a free forest turns out to be too expensive.

And you managed to get freecheese in a mousetrap forest?

Write in the comments, is it possible to get "cubes" of wood for free in your region?

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