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Pears: varieties and cultivation equipment

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Winter-hardy varieties of pears, which grow in Siberia, the Urals and other regions of our country neteplyh derived from Ussuri pear. At the beginning of the XX century, in the 1910s, amateur gardeners, gardener, teacher Artemy Loukashov crossed malosedobnuyu Ussuri pear with pear European varieties. Based on the hybrid varieties he created theme, granddaughter, Olga and others. Amateur gardeners still grow "Lukashovki", these varieties came from Khabarovsk to the Urals, and even crossed the Urals. They are valued for winter hardiness, and although the fruits taste good and are not stored, but it is recyclable.

Ivan Puchkin (breeder, Candidate of Agriculture Science):
Siberian varieties of pears are good because they contain a variety of biologically active substances, including serotonin, the hormone of joy. They enhance life and prevention of various diseases of the urinary system, used in renal diseases and so on.

Pear-lukashovki and hybrids are good at processing. They make delicious compotes, jams and candied fruit (pears slices are kept in a sugar solution and are dried).

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Ivan abyss:
I make pear jam even better than apples. Try it - you'll see that the products are always of pear without a trace eaten children.


Winter hardiness pear apple yields. In addition, it has another unpleasant feature for gardeners: this plant blooms early, so it blooms often falls under the spring frosts.

It is also water-loving, demanding to illumination by the sun, does not tolerate drought. Because of all these qualities pear considered difficult culture, and it is necessary to carefully select a place for it on the site.

Ivan Puchkin:
There should be pear protection not only from the cold, but also from the cold north winds.

like plum, Pears are best planted near the house or other building, to the south, south-west or south-east side. This will allow to kill three birds with one stone wall gives protection from cold north winds (south and south-west - not so cold), add + 5-7 degrees air temperature and protect from excessive snow.

The portion which is enclosed high hollow wall, has the best microclimate as protected from the wind. Plants in this area overwinter better than in open areas, especially pears.

If you can not plant a bulb in zatishke, at least in the winter it will have to be sure to hill snow.

Ivan Puchkin:
Consider the climate of your site. If it is located on a hill, all that you will be able to grow up there - it polukulturki. Another thing, if your garden is in a valley - it can grow and pear and apple trees in the large-fruited form of shale oil

Even more than the light, pear demanding on the soil, so the planting hole should be how to fill with organic fertilizers.

Ivan Puchkin:
Still Simirenko gardening classic wrote: In order to provide a good taste of a pear fruit to bring out the features of each class, it is necessary that the soil is well fertilized

When selecting varieties, consider the climate of your site. Try to place in the valley of the least winter-hardy varieties.

scheme planting

For pears autumn planting is preferred. According to Ivan Puchkina, long-term experience has shown that autumn planting biologically correct for fruit crops. But for spring planting hole prepared in the fall. Only then will she be able to show good results. But it is better to find a way to put the bulb in the autumn.

Planting pit must be large, 80cm x 80cm, and the depth is also 80 cm. planting scheme: 5m x 2m x 2.5m or 5m.

Before planting the roots of seedlings Pear is recommended to place in the mash with superphosphate (half a bucket of clay or soil, water, and half a bucket of 50 grams superfostfata). In pear poorly developed ability to regenerate roots, the root system grows badly. When we obmoknem before planting roots in the mash, superphosphate podstupat be close to them, and this will contribute to a good recovery.

In the fruiting pear takes 4-5 years after planting.

Crop seedlings

After planting pear need pruning. First, because, as has been said, pear weak root system. Secondly, when the seedlings in the nursery dig for sale, they lose about two-thirds of the root system. Ivan Puchkin recommends crop after planting a sapling at 1/3.


Pear samobesplodna, so she needs another pollinator. Samobesplodna apple tree, too, but pollinators problems usually do not occur. Apple tree - a common culture among amateur gardeners, in neighboring areas, certainly, there are plants of other varieties and the different varieties pollinate each other.

But it is always better to have in your garden are several different varieties of the same culture. Pollinating plants, bees, he says Ivan Puchkin"Fly interesting," take the nectar not from different cultures, and with any one, flying from plant to plant. When productivity increases in the area several varieties of the same culture, even samoplodnye varieties.

Ivan Puchkin:
Because, as the closest disciple Michurina Nikolai Tikhonov, "Friendly link is always stronger."

new varieties

Now Gossortoispytanie given several new varieties breeding Research Institute. Lisavenko: grade Northwind, which is still the record for the winter hardiness. In the Altai few years it has been harsh winters, and two years in a row. This variety of pear stoically suffered severe frosts, escaped with little damage to the crown.

Ivan Puchkin:
I have in the country is growing a tree, every year I harvest in 50-60 kilograms. The fruits are also suitable for fresh consumption and for processing.

Also transferred strain testing grade Zurbagan and Serge, also known as Barnaulskaya large.

Ivan advises to select varieties for planting on the site, depending on the hardiness and ripening. Ideally, there should be ranosozrevayuschie and pozdnosozrevayuschie varieties.


The main method of reproduction pears - old budding. This technology is used by virtually all nurseries, and the survival rate reaches 91% of eyes. Optimal timing for inoculation in Siberia - 10 July-20 August. At later stages of plant bad winter, and often die.

pear grafted on aronia, Japanese quince and cotoneaster at a height of 50 cm in the winter shelter and place of vaccination sprinkle snow.

Ivan Puchkin:
Incompatibility of stock and scion is manifested primarily in the fact that in the year vaccination on growth form fruit buds. Early fruiting exponent incompatibility.

Diseases and pests

One of the most common pests of pear - moth. This insect, like a moth, it folds vertically on the back of the leaves, hiding them like a blanket. This butterfly usually hurts a pear than an apple tree: turns the leaves into the tube and lay eggs there. Sometimes a plant of such tubes is larger than normal, healthy leaves. Apple leafroller damages to a lesser extent than the pear.

One of the primary prevention - to plant the bulb away from the poplar trees. Usually moth attacks the poplar, and if the area has a pear, then at her.

vascular bacteriosis

Ivan Puchkin:
Bacteriologists in Siberia is not, so we are described and identified the disease.

This disease manifests itself as follows: sometimes on adult plants blacken, and painted as if burned leaves. First, suffer the little shoots, then the large branches. Cut branches, you will find that its vessels are black, as if they are clogged with bacteria. In this case you should immediately cut off the affected branches below the injury that was not of metastasis, and treat the cut "muck like vodka": cologne, alcohol, formalin. After disinfection, cut obscure.

Ivan Puchkin:
In general, do not be greedy - plastered all wounds to prevent infection by fungal diseases.

Cutting off the branches, cut them to the ring to the trunk, in any case leaving no stumps - this is one of the major mistakes gardeners. The second point - the pruning is best done in the spring, when the active cambium.

indoor growing a

How do I know, is not affected if your fruit tree without waiting for the winter?

Ivan Puchkin:
If the gardener impatient and curious, he can go to the site in the winter, cut the branch and put it in water for growing a in room conditions to check the status of fruit buds. If the plant overwinters well, you can drink a glass of tea for the well being of their fruit trees.

Since you bring branches from the cold, first put them and cover with something warm, so they gradually got used to the room conditions. After a few hours you can put a branch in the water and cut them from the bottom shears. But it is necessary to cut off the water, or in the blood vessels may form an air pocket, and the water will be transported to the bad branches.


Ivan Puchkin - Candidate of Agriculture Science, SRI selection center head horticulture Siberia them. M.A.Lisavenko. I deduced five pear varieties (Kuyumskaya, SVAROG, Lel, Perun, Kupava), five varieties of plum (Timoshka, Memory fetlock, Peresvet, Present Chemal, Baikalskaya) clonal rootstock plum CSAs 11-19. It has 10 copyright certificates and 62 scientific publications.

Full-course lectures can be found in section Academy FORUMHOUSE


History of Horticulture Research Institute of Siberia began in 1933, when Michael Lisavenko supported by Ivan Michurin organized in Oirot Tour (now Gorno-Altaisk) fruits and berries stronghold of the Research Institute of Horticulture. In 1973, a strong point raised in the Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after MA Lisavenko.

On FORUMHOUSE you can ask for advice on all pear issuesfor experienced gardeners, watch a video on how to rescue damaged mice, fruit tree. Our article will help you choose from a variety of nurseries proposals the most healthy, viable seedling.

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