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Changed the mechanism of the flush tank, an extra detail remained

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Unknown detail
Unknown detail

We turned to repair the toilet cistern, where all the fittings are broken, apparently, they themselves tried to fix it, but failed. I wrote a list of what to buy to redo everything.


He took off the tank, dismantled the old mechanism and unpacked the purchased new set. The set included screws for attaching the tank to the toilet bowl, but decided not to use them, because, the old ones were made of high-quality plastic, which is not afraid of corrosion. I asked the client to buy the simplest set with lower eyeliner, but he ended up in only one store.

New filling on the tank and old plastic mount
New filling on the tank and old plastic mount

By the way, not bad, the owner of the store himself in the past was engaged in plumbing works, and his choice is always practical, and not just to sell.


All important connections, always coat with silicone sealant, so that there is no leakage, a trouble-free method! I installed a strainer in the intake valve tube when I first encountered it, I could not understand why until I looked at the drawing in the instructions. Now already

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experienced, not one such assembly behind him, but here such an incomprehensible thing in the form of a plastic bar with a miniature latch.

The detail has found its place

I took out a drawing, but this detail could not be found, I wanted to ask you, maybe, who knows. But suddenly I noticed the top of the guide rod, on which the float slides. It turns out that the bar was her extension, and if there is not enough length, then snaps on top, solving the problem. By the way, it was not useful and was out of work!

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