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How to collect the strawberries on the windowsill all year round πŸ“

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EXAMPLE potted strawberry. Photos for publication are taken from the internet
EXAMPLE potted strawberry. Photos for publication are taken from the internet

Welcome channel readers "Secrets of the garden. Cottage, flowers! " This article shows to read for those who love strawberries and wants to pick berries from the windowsill all year round. Or maybe he wants to indulge a delicious berry children and guests. After all, winter prices for strawberries discourages make fragrant purchase. Your product will have a low cost, to be always at hand, and grow without strange chemistry!

Do you have experience in growing strawberries on the windowsill? Share your observations and give advice to other readers interested in the idea. Therefore, scroll to the end πŸ“
In this article you will find basic information, tips and nuances of strawberry growing indoors
In this article you will find basic information, tips and nuances of strawberry growing indoors

The first thing you should pay attention

For the successful cultivation and the desired fruiting in the home is not suitable for all varieties of strawberries. By planting materials, there are two main requirements: simplicity (still closed room is not quite reminiscent of the garden) and remontant (the ability to virtually uninterrupted fruiting).

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by the way: Strawberry - it is also an unusual plant in the interior. It looks bright and exotic, and will long remain in the memory of your guests) is particularly impressive in the pot look ampelnye varieties.

Here are 3 great examples of suitable varieties:

πŸ“ "Tuscany";
πŸ“ "Queen Elizabeth II";
πŸ“ "homemade delicacies" (note the title - especially for a window sill!).

There are many other nice varieties. You can find them for "hang-downing remontant strawberries."
There are many other nice varieties. You can find them for "hang-downing remontant strawberries."

How to plant strawberries in the house

There are 3 ways of landing:

1. Process strawberry cultivation of seed - interesting but long. Usually the seedlings begin to bear fruit in 1.5-2 years.

strawberry seeds is recommended to sow in the spring

But the method has two important advantages. First, find the seeds of the desired variety is simpler than young seedling (for example, online stores offer a large assortment with delivery anywhere in the world). Secondly, the plants grown from the ground up in the home, since childhood adapt indoors.

2. buy small seedling and plant it in a pot. adaptation period may last up to 2 months. But when the most difficult thing will be left behind, the plant quickly go to the growth - forward to the first home berries! Making a purchase should be from early spring to mid-autumn.

So it will look like an adult bush conventional strawberries from the garden
So it will look like an adult bush conventional strawberries from the garden

3. The easiest and most affordable way (autumn) - take a young sapling from the garden. There is no desire to mess with seeds or spending money? Entrenched in the summer several antennae on his strawberry patch, and in the fall - to move into the pot on the windowsill.

Each of the methods has its own advantages. I recommend that you first try the third option to practice without wasting time and money. And then, filled his hand, proceeding to ampelnye remontant varieties.

2 important nuance homemade strawberry planting

Conventional strawberries in the house
Conventional strawberries in the house

Dishes for strawberries It should be spacious. But we do without luxuries: the buckets is not worth taking. It can be planted a few bushes in the box, keeping a distance of 40 cm. At the bottom of the required drainage holes and drainage itself to excess water runs off and the roots do not rot.

The main requirements for soil - fertility and looseness. Universal primer suitable for growing seedlings: in principle, it does have a rich supply of nutrients. After watering the land should not be turned into a dense clump. If you decide to take soil from the garden, be sure to calcine it in the oven: Who knows what kind of pests and diseases may lurk there.

Periodically check the landing for signs of disease or the presence of pests
Periodically check the landing for signs of disease or the presence of pests

Conditions for growth

To Strawberry felt well at home, it needs the right conditions. Quickly go over the main points:

πŸ“ strawberries need good lighting, so put it on the south or west window. On the east and north may need additional lighting. The secret is that for a regular fruiting bushes need 12-14 hours of light per day. And on the south window, there is a problem: hours of sunshine in the winter is not enough! Therefore, lighting special lamps welcome if you want to get a lot of berries year round.

first results
first results

πŸ“ room temperature is quite suitable for strawberries. In the cold season, not yet included heating, it is recommended to maintain the thermometer above 18 Β° C.

πŸ“ strawberry taste humidity of 60-80%. In our homes, especially in the cold season, this figure significantly slower than recommended. Fortunately, to solve the problem simply by using simple techniques: for example, regular spraying or working humidifier.

How to care for strawberries in the house

πŸ”Ή Subscribe to our channel, every day the first to receive new, useful and interesting information about the cultivation of plants in the garden, the garden and the house!

There are 3 main points of successful care room strawberries:

Watering πŸ“ defended or filtered water, when the upper layer of soil dries 1-1.5 cm.

πŸ“ Constant feeding for continuous fruiting once every 3 weeks. Our choice - complex mineral feeding for berry plants. You can use and organics.

" Demo version"
"Demo version"

πŸ“ first bud breaks off at the young plants to encourage new growth. Sometimes it is possible to remove some bushes and adults.

πŸ“ important fad - artificial pollination. Easy to do, armed with a soft brush to paint. The result to be sure, repeat 3 times at intervals of 1 day, transferring pollen from one flower to another. Lightweight version - several minutes to blow a jet of bushes unheated air from the dryer.

Hope: simple tips will help you to feast on tasty and fragrant berries all year round! If the article was interesting to you, please rate it "Thumbs up" to get more useful materials from our channel! Thanks. I recommend to read another interesting material for flower lovers: πŸ”Ή 4 beautiful annuals: bloom almost all summer

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