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An elementary technique will increase the heads of winter garlic by 30% at any planting depth

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Every gardener wants to extract sharp, juicy and large heads of garlic from the soil in the beds! But unfortunately, even the varieties declared by their creators as "giants" can be very modest in size.

To rectify the situation and annually collect appetizing large garlic, I am used to using an original technique that increases the size of these fruits by about a third! And perhaps it will be useful to you too!

But first, it's important to say something about the biology of garlic. Like most plants, its development is provided mainly by the underground part, that is, the root system.

Depending on the planting depth of the teeth, it, of course, can also lie at different depths.

But in any case, it must be able to extract enough moisture and nutrient, mineral substances from the ground to ripen the crop.

Of course, in order for garlic to bring a good harvest, it needs to be watered and fertilized, but the "breath" of plants is no less important!

It is thanks to the sufficient supply of oxygen that the root system of garlic can be fully viable. Most gardeners choose the simplest method - loosening and this is very good!

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But this is not enough. Indeed, in this way it is possible to ensure the flow of air literally a couple of centimeters deep. Whereas the root system of garlic is located at a depth of 10-25 cm - the exact numbers depend on the planting depth and varietal characteristics of the culture.

Naturally, loosening is literally a superficial concern for the garlic!

To provide him with a full flow of air, you need to do differently and you need a pitchfork for this. You should work after the next watering or rain.

To perform the desired action, it is necessary to retreat about 8-12 cm from the shoots - so as not to damage the garlic itself, direct the forks' teeth vertically and plunge them into the ground at an angle of 90 degrees.

Then, the forks, immersed in the soil for the entire length of the teeth, and this is about 30 cm, must be carefully removed. So gradually you need to move along the row of garlic on one side, then on the other.

Due to the fact that after the pitchfork, long pits remain in the ground, oxygen flows down to the very roots of the garlic. And he is developing gorgeous!

It is recommended to perform this simple action, which contributes to the increase in the heads of garlic, from the moment of emergence until the beginning of harvesting at intervals of every 10-14 days. Troubled, but effective!

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