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❗ Zucchini in the garden will grow faster. Simple Tips: Care and feeding in July and August

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You want to get rich harvest of zucchini? One way - to stimulate a set of weights and an increase in the size of the ovaries of the plant. It makes the observance of proper farming practices and specific measures, including effective dressings. I will not make a long introduction and describe the features of growing zucchini in the garden, let's move straight to the point: how to get the maximum effect with the minimum of labor and money.

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Maturing zucchini. Photo from the Internet
Maturing zucchini. Photo from the Internet

Features care courgettes after the appearance of the ovaries

The plant spends a lot of energy on the development of the fruit. Our task - to help him! Here are 2 basic literacy zucchini care since the beginning of fruiting in the garden:

1. Courgettes are very fond of moisture

Their fruits on 95% of water. If the soil is dry, the plant will experience a moisture deficit. As a consequence - the harvest will turn out fine and almost tasteless. But with timely watering ovaries growth is activated. Therefore, it is necessary to humidify the soil as the drying of the upper layer to approximately 3-4 cm.

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Watering should be warm water, and defended so that it did not get to the leaves, flowers and ovaries. Otherwise they zagniyut. It is necessary to fully moisten the root system, so need a large volume of water: for each fruiting shrub - an average of 15 liters. If after watering on the ground formed a dense crust, recommended proryhlit ground - so the air will be better to penetrate to the roots.

2. Prune all unnecessary

Start of fruiting zucchini in the garden
Start of fruiting zucchini in the garden

Judging from specimens growing in the garden of my garden, I can safely say: squash - one of the giants of the vegetable plot of the world πŸ˜„ often happens that leaves much pritenyayut ovary. And the fruits of faster growing, they need plenty of sunlight. This has a positive effect on the pace, and the taste in the end.

Therefore, large leaves harboring the ovary, it is necessary to cut. Better to do it between waterings, so that the soil around was dry 12 hours before the procedure and 12 hours after. This significantly reduces the risk of rotting cut site. For prevention you can sprinkle with activated carbon or ground cinnamon - it's my favorite antibacterial and antifungal folk remedies, not just successfully tested in the garden. Knife or pruning shears, which cut interfering ovaries sheet must be prodizenfitsirovannym.

Fertilizing zucchini during fruiting

ripening zucchini
ripening zucchini

All methods of feeding zucchini for the rapid growth of the ovaries, I divided into 3 groups. There are plenty to choose from!

βœ” Feeding under a root "store" means (dosage per 10 liters of water):

  • Nitrophoska. 45 g (3 tbsp. l.).
  • Urea and wood ash. 10 g (1 tbsp. a spoon).
  • Superphosphate in equal proportion with potassium sulfate. 50 g
  • Superphosphate with potassium nitrate. 50 g
  • "Kemira" - a complex mineral fertilizer. '20

Under each bush must pour on 1 liter of solution. This is done after watering early in the morning or in the evening. Dressing can be combined to make every 10-14 days until the end of fruiting.

Excellent kabachkovaja bush (
Excellent kabachkovaja bush (

βœ” Feeding zucchini by spraying (amount per 10 liters of water):

  • Liquid preparation "Bio-humus" - a source of active power zucchini. 1 cup.
  • "Bud" stimulates the formation and growth of ovaries in rainy, cloudy and cold weather. '20
  • Boric acid with magnesium sulfate. Effective in wilting and abscission of flowers and ovaries. 2 g
  • "Ross" - a complex mineral fertilizing elements. 1 tbsp. a spoon.
  • Urea (15 g), manganese (5 g) and copper sulfate (4 g) prolongs fruiting zucchini.

βœ” Folk remedies:

Ripening squash (Photo from Internet)
Ripening squash (Photo from Internet)
  • Yeast will not only provide good nutrition zucchini. They attract insect pollinators and will protect against fungal diseases. In a 3-liter jar dx warm water is placed 30 g of raw yeast and 10 g of dry, and still poured polstakana sugar. Stir, put in the sun and wait for 1-2 days until the end of fermentation process. Then pour the solution into a bucket capacity of 10 liters, add water almost to the brim and watered by 2 liters per plant.
  • wood ash. Unique fertilizer, rich in micro-and macro. It can be uniformly dispersed on the soil and lightly seal the ripper. But the solution will work faster wood ash: 1 cup 10 liters of water. Watering of 1 liter per kabachkovaja bush.

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