About cabbage net, non-Chinese reality and our way out
I had an article on the charms of cabbage shelter nets from pests.
Cabbage liked the idea, there are significantly fewer uninvited eaters, only underground and above-ground.
I thought, what are the Chinese fellows, that they came up with nets to cover cabbage.
And suddenly, in September, this picture:
Guess what happened?
Cats! All summer famously passed the grid, and in September no luck.
No one was caught at the crime scene. Only there is no one else to make such breaks.
The mesh itself is also thinner than the one on our windows. Quality: I was made in a "garage". I did not think that there is still such a thing.
Mosquitoes on our windows, cats tear, tear and nothing. Food is required.
And here:
It turns out that the Chinese reality with a happy cabbage under the net is different from ours.
What was to be done? The grid is 1000 r. cost (16 m). Too much for one season.
Our exit
Washed in a typewriter. Powder needs minuscule, very its mesh foams. And we also need a weighting agent, we put a magnetic ball. And it was better to wash in the bathroom, but we only have a shower.
We sewed up the holes for a long time... To know that it took so long would be thrown away.
Now the mesh is very delicate, you cannot pull it, pull it. Let's try to use it for another year.
How do you expect expectation - reality?
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