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Ornamental garden on a difficult ground

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Often it happens that a man planted a plant, which long dreamed of, groom it, cherishes - but nothing comes out. We know the next street is the same bush - the pride of the garden: the spectacular, with beautiful flowers, and here - stick some stunted twigs, and even robbery. And beating people, just with a tambourine around his bush does not dance, but all in vain. And it may be that the plant is not planted in the ground!

The type of soil can be determined by taking a sample from a depth of 15-20 cm and roll it into a bundle. If the result of this simple analysis of the soil, a quality harness, soil - clay. If the harness is cracked or even burst - loam. If the sample does not roll into a bundle, and in the bulbs, loam. If you do not roll - sand.

Best horticultural considered black soil, loam and sandy soils. They develop well the roots of plants, and the nutrients are contained in a form available to them. Sandy soils quickly and well warmed by the sun, but dry quickly and retain heat. You are well-watered garden on the sand in the evening, but in the morning moisture can evaporate in a couple of hours. Together with moisture from the soil leaving almost all nutrients.

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Plants in clay soils

Clay soils are well retain moisture and nutrients, but they are heavy, long and poorly heated by the sun.

Gardeners are always trying to improve, cultivate the soil. The sand making organic fertilizer (half-two buckets decomposed manure per square meter), enrich its green-manures, making clay powder from garden stores. The clay added to the crushed brick, sifted through a large sieve, sand, horse or sheep manure, peat, sawdust.

Sunnice (User FORUMHOUSE):
- By itself, the clay soil is not bad, but because of the density of the difficult delivery of water and nutrients to the roots, and in damp years - on the contrary, the roots waterlogged. The clay is heated rapidly, but quickly cools, poorly transmit moisture. Green-manures can be corrected, but it's a long time. I planted potatoes at first (it loosens, breaks little lumps), then shoveled sand and compost. The sand loosened structure. Peat, in my opinion, is not necessary. But compost can not hurt.

When you improve the soil structure, the range of plants that can be grown on it will expand substantially. But while it is necessary to consider features of the soil.

What plants grow in clay soil

Choosing plants for the clay, it is necessary to rely on moisture-loving, are well tolerated long stagnation of water. Teach that grows better on clay soil that is not afraid of the cold. All plants should be hardy - clay is very cold; and heat-loving, tender plants will die in the first extremely cold winter.

On clay soils capable of remarkably grow and bloom many species and varieties of roses; work out bulbs and herbaceous perennials, certain types of - arunkus, Lysimachus, mimulyus and Tradescantia. Feel well on clay, most host, including such popular as Host wavy, curly Khost, Khost Siebold, Hosta Fortune. garden decoration on the clay becomes mountaineer snake with his spiky pink inflorescences. It can be put in the foreground the curb and allow to grow near the iris, geraniums and bush chubushnika.

Of the trees on the heavy clay soil can grow conifers, but most require drainage: spruce, larch, fir, juniper, arborvitae west. It grows well birch, willow, red maple, alder, cherry decorative. Among shrubs preferred elder, hydrangea tree, cotoneaster. Excellent survives girlish grapes and other vines.

Garden in the sand

Wernner (User FORUMHOUSE):
- I like more clay soils of sand, because yield improvement and a much more fertile. Sand also should be fertilized every year.

It is true -better certainly the heaviest clay! Indeed, the majority of woody plants only grow on fertile soils, well-to-moisture. Many gardeners with plots to plant trees in the sand pit filled with fertile soil. But this does not guarantee success - after a while the nutrients go into the sand, and the plant begins to wither.

Mountelf (User FORUMHOUSE):
- Sand in the first place is bad that dries quickly, the second - the poor.

There are two ways to solve this problem:

1. Plant a tree in a huge container filled with soil suitable for plant. Capacity to dig in the sand. So in Egypt vegetated areas around the hotel. We - not Egypt, so the plant must be winter-hardy.

2. Choose plants that are suitable for sand. Choice, by the way, not too small.

Of ornamental shrubs can grow in the sand:

  • Physocarpus kalinolistny;
  • Berberis vulgaris;
  • Hawthorn;
  • Derain white;
  • Cinquefoil shrub;
  • Snowberry white;
  • tamarisk;
  • Woodwax;
  • Juniperus.

Of perennials:

  • Italian aster;
  • Dianthus deltoides;
  •  Alyssum rock;
  • Antennariya;
  • Thyme;
  • cornflowers;
  • Gaillardia;
  • oregano;
  • Tansy;
  • Feverweed;
  • Verbaskum;
  • yarrow;
  • Salvia nemorosa;
  • Ornamental grasses.

Of annual flowers:

  • Marigold;
  • grass;
  • eschscholzia;
  • Calendula;
  • Nasturtium;
  • Purslane;
  • Iris.

It grows well on the sands all bean: sweet peas, lupins and decorative beans.

Terekhova (user FORUMHOUSE):
- They planted twigs three years ago, is growing well (sandy soil, when to plant, just some land added to accustomed). It has grown so much - to walk in the way, I did badly cut. It is a wall, in the summer through it can not see anything. I do not like heavy clay, very wet soils. And if you have sandy soil, sandy or loamy, growing very fast.

Fans sour

Elizabeth Panteleyev (Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Research Institute of Siberian horticulture researcher them. MA Lisavenko):
- black rather than clay or sand, but gardeners are usually drawn off far from ideal sites. We have to get out. If the soil is clay, groundwater close, do not dig holes, plant the plants on the mounds, hillocks. If the sand - on the contrary, to put plants in a hole for the plant with the necessary substrate. Yes, nutrients over time, will leave in the sand, but who's stopping you to fertilize the next year? And the next? Here acidic soil - it is indeed a problem.

By divided soil acidity to neutral (pH 5,6-7), weakly acidic (pH 5,1-5,5) and acidic (pH 3,8-5,0). The best are neutral and slightly acid soil - they grow well, most garden plants. Determine the acidity level of the soil on the site, you can use indicator plants.

On acidic soil grow:

  • Knapweed;
  • Veronica Chamaedrys;
  • Heather;
  • Ivan da Marya;
  • Highlander field;
  • Bloodroot grassy;
  • Ranunculus repens;
  • Persicaria maculosa;
  • Daisy;
  • Sedge;
  • Mint;
  • Plantain;
  • Spike fragrant;
  • Viola tricolor;
  • horsetail;
  • Sorrel.

On a slightly acid soil:

  • Clover;
  • Cuff;
  • Coltsfoot;
  • burdock;
  • Rosehip;
  • Chamomile;
  • wood louse;
  • thistles;
  • Highlander bird;
  • Field bindweed,
  • Alfalfa;
  • Wheatgrass.

On neutral ground:

  • Nettle;
  • Red clover;
  • Quinoa.
Evii (participant FORUMHOUSE):
- 3-4 leaf currant pour boiling water, when cool, drop a ball to the ground. If the water is flushed - strongly acidic if blushed - mildly, turned green - close to neutral, if the blue - neutral acidity.

Acidic soils - always a problem for site owners. They are usually formed at the site of the former marshes and coniferous forests: soil "acidified" during the decomposition of needles. Traditional garden flowers and shrubs take root in such soil is bad, so many gardeners are trying to change the acidity using lime. It does raise the performance pH. But it is a complex and unpredictable procedure, which ideally should be carried out before the breakdown of the garden. In general, materials commonly lime (chalk, dolomite, marl) applied to the soil in the autumn and at the desired concentration, from 1.5 (sand soil) to 4 (clayey soil) 10 kilograms per square meter to increase the pH to a unit. That is not to be mistaken with the dosage, serious soil analysis is necessary.

Andrey Vasilyev (consultant of "fruit garden" FORUMHOUSE):
- Serious equipment cost money. A sensor to measure the acidity, is a limited amount of time, it should be protected from drying out. (It is a special cap is closed). His soaked-soaked, do some other manipulation, and then this thing is working properly. I did not go into the details specified, but realized that it was not easy.

Fortunately, a way out of this impasse is, horticultural: ornamental plants prefer acidic soil, there are, and most of them are very effective.

The most famous plant for acid soils - rododendon, on others it is simply not growing. Acidic soil like all ferns, heather, Erica, ivy. I feel well in her broom, broom, bloodroot, hydrangea and almost all varieties of fan-maple. One the most beautiful plants in acidic soils - saxifrage.

Read on FORUMHOUSE, how to grow ornamental garden crude clay soil And How choosing plantsSuitable for your particular region. Watch our video on how to properly choose decorative plants.

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