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We grow fruit trees at home. process Features

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Grow ordinary houseplants today is no longer fashionable. Therefore, many aspire to grow something exotic, such as a fruit tree.

But do not know how to do it properly, so they did not come out. We will share with you the secrets of growing fruit trees.

Most often in the home grown lemon and orange. But this is not all that can be grown in a pot can be planted pomegranate, fig, apricot, pear, tangerine, apple, etc.

Can someone begin to doubt and say: "Why grow what grows in the garden?" In fact, there are many advantages:

· The apartment can be cultivated valuable varieties of fruit trees, which simply can not survive in the open field due to the low temperatures.

· Harvest can be several times a year.

· And most importantly, it's beautiful and unusual.

How to grow seedlings

If you buy an ordinary sapling tree and plant it at home, then in a few years. This tree takes so much space that will close by the owners, while the harvesting is still very far away.

To grow a miniature tree, it is important to properly prepare the ground where you want to plant a seed of fruit trees (preferably several).

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But first, these seeds must undergo stratification, that is, it is necessary to artificially create a low temperature, as it happens in nature. For this purpose, the seeds were placed for 2-3 months in a refrigerator (temperature of + 3-4 ° C).

After this period, the seeds are planted in a pot. Seeds Citrus trees do not need stratification. They perfectly grow at home.

As a lot to do this mixture: turf and ground sheet, peat and river sand (in a ratio of 2: 2: 1: 1). In this composition, the seeds germinate quickly and the plants will be strong and healthy.

How to care for seedlings

When the plant grows to 20 cm, it is necessary to cut. At the same time cut off the tip, it will be a stimulus for the growth of side shoots. Of the new side-shoots should leave no more than 3-4 units, the remaining cut.

When the side shoots reach 25 cm them as pinch, and so doing a shoots with up to fourth order. After this crown is quite lush and beautiful.

Now will follow the vertical shoots and remove them in time. Because they take a lot of nutrients and are useless.

To form a tree needs about two years, so it can not grow more than 1.5 meters in length.

When your plant starts to bloom, it needs to stand in the open air, the bees were able to pollinate it. Soon after that, owners will be able to gather the first harvest.

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