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Why leaves turn red in orchids and how to fight it

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A healthy orchid leaves are usually dark green in color. If the shade is changed, then Florist made some mistake in the care of the plant. After identifying the reasons for beginning to address it.

Improper care

The flower shops you can often purchase an orchid Phalaenopsis, Cymbidium. In nature, they grow on tree trunks, under their crown. Therefore, if the apartment on the windowsill with a plant is exposed to direct sunlight, the leaves may turn red.

Generating red pigment bush protects itself from burning. In critical cases, the leaves curl and dry up.

In this case, the leaves are cut off and the plant itself is pritenyat.

diseases of defeat

Another possible reason - the defeat of various diseases. One of them - a root rot. On the leaves first appear small spots, which are then fused.

Fighting disease is pruning the affected areas, the treatment of activated charcoal, and transplantation. Then the whole bush sprayed copper-containing drugs. Watered after this orchid, not earlier than 7 days.

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Blush sheet may also by anthracnose symptoms which manifest themselves in the middle of the cover plate and its edges dots of red color. The case of stagnation of fluid in the axils of the leaves and on the duration of humidity around the plant.

To remove dust, it is recommended not to spray the plant and wipe each leaf separately with a damp cloth.

pest defeat

Pests are usually visible to the naked eye. When present, the sheet is typically rolled, plaque appears on it. But it happens that and blushes.

This occurs, for example, during an attack bush false spider mites. First, in formed sheet metal silver plate plaque, then it turns red. It will help improve the situation fitoverm spraying.

Another possible parasite - Jose scale. If it is a little bit, then it is removed from the leaves by hand, when rubbed with a cloth.

If many - sprayed aktellik or any other insecticide. When you hit them on the ground of green plantations are to be transplanted.

Thus, when the sheet orchids redness is first carried out diagnostics. After clarification of the reasons for the appropriate treatment is applied. If this is the impact of ultraviolet radiation - plant pritenyat, if overcome illness - and cut off the affected parts bush processed copper-containing drugs, during the invasion of pests - sprayed with different insecticides.

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