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5 simple and affordable foods that thin the blood.

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The blood in the human body plays a huge role. It depends on the quality of the overall condition of the person. If the blood is thick, it can not move through the vessels with the necessary speed for the transport of substances and also has the ability to clot too quickly. Healthy blood must be sufficiently liquid, which promotes good circulation around the body. If the blood is liquid, then the heart is much easier to move it through the veins and arteries. The increased load caused by too thick blood, threatens the emergence of heart disease.
The thick blood platelet count increased, which is a direct threat to the formation of blood clots. They, in turn, become one of the causes of stroke and heart attack. Small thrombi block vessels break them, causing hemorrhaging tissues. Thick blood slowly goes to the brain and thus reduces brain oxygen supply and essential nutrients.
If you or your family are faced with such a problem, you should carefully examine all possible ways to treat and prevent this disease. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle with the correct diet. Here are some foods and drinks that will help make the blood more fluid, allowing you to avoid serious health problems:

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- water
Given the composition of the blood, which is 90% water, it becomes clear why doctors recommend to drink plenty of plain water as possible. To correctly count the volume of water for a particular human, use the following formula: 30 ml of water per 1 kg of weight. For an adult should drink an average of 1.5-2 liters of water per day. If a person consumes enough water, the blood will not be as viscous.
Tip: start to drink water in the morning! One glass of cool water will help to avoid many health problems and make you cheerful, no worse than a cup of strong coffee!
- fresh ginger
The benefits of ginger is known to all: it is an excellent antiseptic; It reduces the level of glucose in the blood; It helps with colds and thins the blood. The blood becomes less viscous due to the presence gingerol in ginger.
Special attention to the healing properties of ginger gives oriental medicine. They use this wonderful root for the prevention of blood clots. Especially effective is its use in the initial stage of thrombophlebitis and for its prevention. Effective only fresh ginger. It can be bought in any shop and store in the refrigerator for a while. Ginger is added to hot drinks, cutting it into pieces. You can also grate the ginger root and add it to the salad.
- Red wine
Wine benefit causes some people questioned. But everything depends on the quality of the beverage and the quantities in which it is used by man. Good red wine in small quantities.
The substance resveratrol contained in red wine, has in its composition of antioxidants. This substance is able to reduce cholesterol and reduce its deposition in the vessels. Thus, the lumen of the vessels increases and the throughput is improved.
- white meat chicken
This product is an excellent source of protein. Chicken meat contains taurine, which allows to make the blood is not so thick. It is able to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and even regenerating inner vessel shell. In use meat blood pressure is normalized.
In addition, taurine contained in the white fish, seafood and dairy products.
- berries with salicylic acid
An excellent material which allows to make the blood more fluid, is acetylsalicylic acid. But this remedy can lead to problems with the stomach: gastritis, ulcers and heartburn.
But, if the products contain the substance, they do not affect badly on the body. Many of salicylic acid comprises raspberries, citrus fruits and herbs. But parsley contains vitamin K, which promotes increased blood clotting. Therefore, people with viscous blood should not be used in this food seasoning.

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