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As I learn from my mistakes, or the house of aerated concrete in forumchanski!

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Err on the initial stage of construction may be any inexperienced developer. The main thing with this - do not give up and not turn a blind eye to the faults. From our material you will learn how users tips forumchanin helped to overcome all difficulties on the way to the house of your dreams!

Preparatory work

The history of the construction of Alexander Markelov (forum name Markuel) Began, like thousands of others. Instead of buying an apartment in an area of ​​60 square meters. m forumchanin decided the money to buy land in the suburbs for the construction of a large house. No sooner said than done. An area of ​​12 acres purchased, it is necessary to begin construction.

But how to begin the construction of the house? That's right - with the project!

Markuel (Member FORUMHOUSE):
At first my wife and I wanted to build a house from the warm ceramic. We ordered the project for 50 thousand. rubles. After all the calculations it was found out that the house of our dreams will cost us nearly 8 million. rub. It's too expensive, and the idea of ​​building of this material, we have refused.
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A blessing in disguise. As a result, forumchanin on hand was a house project in 400 sq.m. After the conversion to another company decided to reduce the area of ​​the house up to 306 sq.m and build it from the aerated concrete.

Work has begun to boil. First of all, it is necessary to prepare the construction site. On the site was bought forumchanin frame 6x6 m with small annexe 4x4 meters. Because it prevented the construction of a cottage, log cabin decided to demolish.

Demolition log, along with the removal of debris, we has managed in 150 thousand. rubles.

A lot or a little for a house? Let us turn to the members of the forum experience.

Elgrand (Member FORUMHOUSE):
I demolition of the old log house has managed in 26 thousand rubles. 15,000 took to disassemble the house and 11 thousand - in the garbage. To save money, I wrote an ad for free, with the condition of the wood give ex. And all the metal - batteries, tubing, taken bath for scrap. And I still have for this and paid for.
170192 (Member FORUMHOUSE):
I blew dom6h10 45 thousand. rubles. Unnecessary I sawed wood on the ground and burned. A foundation backfilled residues upstream of the parking lot.

Material from the house, which comes under the demolition, can still come in handy! And instead of paying for the removal of combat, it is better to think where it can be used.

Start of construction

Forumchanin house is being built under the project construction company. However, in preparation for the construction of the foundation, it was found that the company was going to pour a strip foundation to a depth of 1.7 m and a width of 0.4 meters straight into the ground, without formwork. therefore Markuel decided to hire the services of technical supervision. It was also made geology section, which showed that the soil heaving.

Technical Supervision has decided that, under the strip footing on my site need to excavate 12h15h1.7 meters. In the future we plan to backfill the sinuses sand belt.

Usually done with the following parameters ground floor.

Spacewalker(Member FORUMHOUSE):
In my opinion - to dig a pit on loam in order to pour a strip foundation, a very strange decision.

technical supervision work is impartial judgment on all issues arising on the building or protect the interests of the developer to the contractor works. Those. project audit, minimizing costs and compliance with SNIP.

Despite the apparent cost overruns on the "0" cycle, Markuel He managed to keep funds in time to catch the superintendent on deceit: he wanted to attribute extra machines for export of soil from the site.

The amount claimed for digging the excavation and removal of soil in 274 thousand rubles. It seemed unreal, and I decided to check things out.

Hearing average rate for such work, forumchanin arrived at the station and using laser roulette measured volume of excavation. It turned out - 300 m3. With an average sum for such work is 300 rubles. for 1 m3 and the declared amount of nearly 300 thousand. it turned out that the car had taken 900 m3 of soil.

Foreman (already dismissed at this time) told me that for the removal of soil took 33 dvadtsatikubovyh Kamaz, and showed me all the papers on the work done.

As forumchanin revealed the deception?

In order to accurately calculate the amount owed for the removal of soil, Markuel I made the following. Because virgin soil and the soil, which is loaded into the truck because the coefficient of loosening have several different volume, then Markuel 300 multiplied by 1.4 m3 (clayey soil). It turns out that actually was removed approximately 424 m3.

In the end, I paid for the actual work done - only 150 thous.

Pouring the foundation

After all the preparatory work and the installation of formwork builders have started pouring the foundation. Because the area was dug a well and septic tank installed, the foundation provided in advance technological holes to enter the house of communication.

If you do not advance, then we have to gouge holes in the already-flooded basement.

At this stage, also not without errors. The workers did not complete waterproofing of the foundation.

Objects that are in the ground, must be waterproofed.

In addition, while not performed backfilling the foundation, it must be at once warm and perform drainage, otherwise then have to dig up the tape again, and this is - the additional costs.

It is important to know that any construction project, no foreman or hiring technical supervision do not guarantee quality construction. Any developer should have the basic knowledge to understand what they do builders and personally monitor and check their work.

Characterized by the following example.

When pouring the foundation, I drew attention to how workers are vibrated concrete. It seemed to me that it was done quickly and poorly. All my questions was one answer: we always do. So I decided to ask members of the forum, how to properly vibrate the concrete.
Smart2305(Member FORUMHOUSE):
After the concrete poured in a structure complimentary to the bottom of the vibrator is lowered slowly as the lift of air bubbles in concrete, to be hauled. Pull back and forth is not necessary.

removing the vibrator speed - about 10 cm / sec. Step vibration equal to the thickness construction.

So, the foundation is poured, sinus covered with sand. Builders started assembling slabs and foundation apparatus under a veranda. And not without errors.

Error 1: after laying slabs revealed that on-site boiler forgot to make technical hatch to be able to go underground.

It would seem that the solution lies on the surface - cut a hatch in the already-stacked plate, but not so simple.

Antonpavlov(Member FORUMHOUSE):
Finished w / w plates can not be cut across, as they only reinforced along. And when sawing inevitably cut the hatch valves, which will lead to a weakening of the concrete structure.

The optimal solution in this situation - is to dismantle the floor slab and pour normal monolithic overlap with pre-prepared hatch.

Error 2: under the porch decided to pour pile-rostverkovy foundation. To this end, under the raft foundation trench dug in the ground that is completely contrary to the proper construction of this type of foundation.

Sense-rostverkovogo foundation pile is to grillage (tape) hung above the ground.

If the raft foundation is in the ground, and if there is no insulation, then under the action of frost heave can occur separation of raft foundation piles.

Proper device grillage following:

  • under planned grillage beams (between the piles) sprinkled sand 20 cm;
  • ram sand;
  • sand is laid on panels of the planks;
  • doing formwork near the piles and beams;
  • knit reinforcement;
  • pour piles and beams;
  • after the hardening of concrete formwork is removed;
  • compacted sand from under the beams are removed;
  • then cleaned panels from boards.

With this structure, not acting on the grillage frost heaving force.

conservation foundation

Because frosts struck, forumchanin decided to preserve and continue the construction of its spring. The question arose: how to preserve the foundation?

I understand that care must be warm in the winter foundation, but how to do it?

In order to properly protect the foundation, it is necessary to understand what forces act on it in the winter, and how to reduce these effects to a minimum.

  •  From the foundation necessary to drain the water. So, you need drainage.
  •  It is necessary to minimize the forces of frost heaving. Therefore, the foundation and the perimeter around it must be properly insulated.
  •  For guaranteed results requires an integrated approach. So, we need to combine drainage and insulation.
The procedure is: the awning cover with the foundation or b / y banners 1.5 m wider than the base perimeter. Throws dust top and side of 20 cm and a thickness of the entire structure again closing film.

The edges of the film with this method of insulation of the foundation you need to tuck and secure a load to it and sawdust are not blown away.

It should be remembered that the film even 200 md, the spring may turn into dust. It is best to use banners to hide because they are not destroyed by UV radiation.

Council is this: let the concrete harden, then remove the formwork and Insulate basement, slab foam and blind area.

Cheaper to insulate foam, but it needs to be protected from the water film. Expensive - extruded polystyrene foam.

Top load cover ground or sand to the sheets during the winter does not get blown away. Around the foundation for discharging melted and rainwater drip groove with a bias.

Take to the construction of the house consciously and armed with at least a minimal knowledge. Only in this way you will avoid annoying errors or defects in the work of builders. And if you have any questions, feel free to contact for advice to the forum users. They are always ready to help!

"How do I learn from my mistakes" - the theme with the same name is available at this link. To learn how to properly build a big house, you can read this theme. On the functions of technical supervision in detail is told here. How to fix the consequences of improper vapor barrier? Read this Related. And this a movie You learn about the features of the winter construction.

Discuss the article and read other materials devoted to country life you can on the websiteFORUMHOUSE.

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