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Major mistakes that do not like garlic.

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The onset of winter many people try to land as soon as possible winter garlic. That's just not all know how to do properly. In addition, many people simply do not know what love garlic and how to care for them. But the garlic loves damp and fertile soil and plenty of sunshine.
Now let's learn about what it does not like garlic. Exactly where it needs to be planted and how to take care that it is not lost, and then to please you with a good harvest.
First and foremost it needs a good and fertilized with manure. Thus in any case it is not necessary to add fresh organic. And vice versa, it can harm the culture. If you use fresh manure, it can burn the roots. Also, garlic could become loose and soft, and can be stored long. Even you should know that the manure can oxidize the ground, and in fact quite the garlic does not like it, and in such circumstances will not grow.
If the soil is acidic, neither of which garlic is not worth a dream. Most will be suitable neutral and slightly acid soils for him. But in order to grow good garlic, you limp soil before planting. And this helps you to ashes. In addition, it also saturate the land in potassium and phosphorus.

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Do not forget to fertilize the ground during landing, as well as her limp. Many cultures love it. The best option for this is that a few grams of superphosphate and potassium chloride. And all this is necessary to dig further into the ground, and then planted in the ground garlic.
You do not need to dig too deep a hole. It should be about five meters. In no case do not need to be pressed into the land of garlic. It is best to do well and to place one clove. If you plant garlic in too deep, it can simply not grow or grow smaller. If you plant it is not deep, it is likely that it will freeze.
In addition, you should know also that it is not necessary to plant garlic in the same bed. A flower bed should not be done in one place. Also, you do not need to be planted in the same bed of carrots, onions and beets.

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