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How to determine the power appliance improvised means, consider three ways

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Sometimes there is a need to know, and how much energy consumes one or another appliance. And, it would seem that may be easier to look at the label and read, and what to do if you have a suspicion, exactly what this unit consumes a lot more power and declared so you sent so much payment order. Then the internet is not going to help. In this article I will tell you how to determine the power consumption in three different ways.

Apply Ohm's law and multimeter

To calculate the power you and I need to know the current and use a simple Ohm's law, to make the count.

For this we need the meter, we put on the aforesaid resistance and measure this parameter in the device.

Thereafter, according to the formula I = U / Rwhere R - the measured contact resistance, U - standard voltage in the network, and signified it should be 220 V. Computes and recognize current consumed by this device, and then from the formula P = I * U we get our power.

Important. This method is suitable not for all appliances. For example, if the device in the logic circuit involved, requiring the presence of voltage by that not be feasible.
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Also, prior to measurement on some devices you need to press a button or turn the knob to turn it on. Otherwise, the display multimeter, you will see a value of "1", that is to say of the infinite resistance, ie, the chain will not be collected.

As you can see, this method requires only a single measure and a couple minutes of time. But what if you do not have a multimeter. Let's consider the following option.

We consider power via electricity meter

For this method, we do not need additional devices, as it is, we already have installed and, I mean the electric meter.

To determine the specific capacity of the appliance you will need to turn off all devices on the network and leave connected only to the study. Then turn it into a fix within 15 minutes, how many times will flash light on your counters.

Record the resulting figure, and now look carefully at the counter and find this one option

Now divide the resulting number on imp / kW * h and you get the power of the instrument. Yes, this method is a little more than the costs of the time, but he was still effective.

We use current clamp

Perhaps you have at home there is current probe, then measured the power consumption is obscenely simple.

Take mites expose approximate range and closes clamp on one wire.

Important. If you grasp immediately and zero phase, the unit should show you a zero value, since the current flowing in phase vzaimounichtozhaetsya current flowing in the reverse direction at zero. Therefore, it is important to embrace just one wire to the device. If, however, a grasp of the two wires you see some values ​​in your network, then there is a leakage current and that you saw him.

Then, the obtained value, e.g., 5 amps, is substituted into the formula P = I * U, Where I - our with you 5 A, and U - 220 V.

we get: 5 * 220 = 1100t or 1.1 kW It is the power of our investigational device.

That is such a simple way, we with you to determine the capacity of the electric appliance. Thanks for attention.

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