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Which instrument should be in every home

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In this modern age there are more companies that provide services for any kind of home maintenance. But despite that the owner of any house simply must have a minimum set of tools with which you can carry out the most basic repairs. So let's find out what tools you need for the house to have a mandatory basis.

Required list


We begin our list of mandatory it is with them, because this is truly a versatile tool with which you can not fully get hammered a nail, a snack wire, twist wire, unscrew the nut (if there is no special keys), etc. This tool is a must to buy.


Here's another working tools, which allow you to tighten the elementary or vice versa, unscrew the bolt or screw. Of course, you can buy a universal set that looks like this:

But as shown by the personal experience of use, it has very low reliability. And quite often it fails mechanism of "ratchet", and perform the necessary contacts broach such a tool is quite problematic, as afraid that he is still a little bit and break. So I would recommend to take a few screwdrivers of all sizes. For example, here are:

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This device simply have to be in every home, because by using it you will be able to check whether there is power in the socket. This will allow you to determine what went wrong: the appliance inserted into the socket, or the socket voltage is lost.


The value and necessity of the equipment is difficult to overstate just. After all say the same, that a man should be able to hammer a nail, and it would be impossible to do without a hammer. For most household needs quite come down with a hammer impact head weight of 250 grams.


If you need to clean up the insulation of the wires, then you can certainly do it with your favorite kitchen knife to your wife, but I do not think it will be on this happy. Therefore, the best option would be to purchase a separate knife for these purposes. With this work will be an excellent regular stationery knife.

But if you like to work handy tool, feel free to purchase it's such a special knife for cutting the insulation.

The desired tool

With a minimal set of gentleman's like everything, but there is no limit to perfection, let's look at a pair of devices, which can also be purchased for personal use, but without which you can also do


Do not be put off by the abundance of information on the panel of the device, actually you out of all this diversity will need two functions: Continuity and voltage check.


It is kind of pliers, which is specially tuned for performance of electrical work. They are very easy to perform "lambs", which are used in some types of outlets (especially the old model).

In principle, the list can go on for quite some time, but the above set of tools for the house is a must and is desirable in virtually every home.

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